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The Rock Family of Companies, consisting of Rocket Companies, Bedrock, and others, has announced that the organization’s team members have now spent 1 million hours volunteering with community organizations and nonprofits. Team members have participated in more than 150,000 volunteer events with more than 4,800 organizations nationwide. Volunteering efforts of this sort are managed by the Rocket Community Fund.

“We are lucky to have thousands of team members who give of their most valuable resource–their time and talents–to impact countless lives and help make our communities stronger,” said Laura Grannemann, executive director of the Rocket Community Fund. “Achieving the milestone of 1 million volunteer hours is a direct testament to our team members and their belief in our Ism of ‘do the right thing.’”

Top categories include food resources, housing, skilled mentorship/tutoring and environmental sustainability organizations

Overall volunteering by the numbers:

  • 1 million hours
  • 150,583 volunteer events
  • 35,687 team members
  • 4,813 organizations

More than 70% of the 1 million volunteer hours were conducted by Detroit-based team members. That includes more than 100,000 hours spent with food resource organizations, including Gleaners Community Food Bank and Forgotten Harvest. Additional high-hour categories where team members shared their talents include housing-based volunteerism and skilled mentorship programming/tutoring.

“Rocket Companies invests in Detroit through its business, philanthropy and workforce, along with the tens of thousands of team members who help mentor our youth, ensure our food banks are stocked, connect our residents to critical housing resources and more,” said Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan. “We are thankful to Dan Gilbert and the entire organization for their unwavering contribution to Detroiters and residents in their other home cities.”

Rock Companies’ Detroit volunteering breakdown was as follows:

  • 712,626 hours
  • 126,407 volunteer events
  • 27,096 team members
  • 3,297 organizations

The milestone was reached at a volunteer event through The Greening of Detroit at Lafayette Gardens in downtown Detroit, where ten team members volunteered Tuesday morning, before attending a surprise organization-wide celebration at the 1001 Woodward Avenue Building.

“We are grateful for the thousands of hours of outstanding volunteerism from Rock Family of Companies team members, who are directly improving the quality of life of Detroiters through their work,” said Lionel Bradford, president of The Greening of Detroit. “The entire Greening of Detroit team is thrilled to be the location for this historic occasion of 1 million volunteer hours reached, and we want to thank Dan Gilbert and the entire organization for their commitment to our community.”

For more information, visit https://www.rocketmortgage.com/.