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Anywhere Real Estate Inc. has named Kate Rossi president of Agent Engagement and Sales Leadership Development for Anywhere Brands and Anywhere Advisors, the  company’s franchise and owned brokerage operations. In this role, Rossi will lead a newly formed Agent Engagement team for Anywhere, spanning across all its company brands.  

A “first-of-its-kind initiative,” Anywhere’s Agent Engagement team will support the company’s continued expansion through personalized coaching programs. Rossi will draw upon her nearly four decades of experience at Coldwell Banker Realty – most  recently as executive vice president for the Eastern Region – to develop programs tailored for all types of Anywhere professionals.

“There are few people better suited to represent and advocate for the interests of our field teams than Kate  Rossi,” says Sue Yannaccone, president and CEO of Anywhere Brands and Anywhere Advisors. “Not only has she proven herself as a leader of one of the largest regions in our owned brokerage portfolio, but she’s also been a mentor to a countless number of the most successful agents and managers in our network. It’s exciting to offer her wisdom and practical knowledge about what it takes to succeed in real estate to all of our great brands.” 

Rossi began her career in 1982 as an agent with Vanguard Tarquinio in Beaver County,  Pennsylvania, quickly earning over 70 listings in her first year. By 1985, she became a manager of  Coldwell Banker’s North Hills office. Since then, she’s held numerous leadership roles with the company. As a Coldwell Banker EVP, she was responsible for overseeing 21,000 sales associates in the eastern United States.

“At its core, real estate is still a business driven by relationships and the ability to understand the unique needs of clients and peers,” says Rossi. “The most successful agents, brokers and executives in this industry are those who hone their skills as a trusted advisor and an ally for those they serve. Our team is dedicated to helping our brokerage and franchise professionals sharpen those foundational qualities to  become more effective sales associates and leaders.” 

For more information, visit https://www.anywhere.re/