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Being a productive real estate agent means more than just putting in the lead generation hours and doing some door-knocking. In order to really make an impact on the community you’re serving, you need to become a familiar face. How can you best do that? Involve yourself with neighborhood goings-on and establish an active presence. Here are some ways to make yourself known:


There’s no better way to get your face and name out in the community than to lend a helping hand. Not only are you providing a goodwill act, but this is also a great way to show your fellow community members what you’re passionate about. Love animals? Take some shifts on at your local shelter. Do a lot of work with elderly clients? Pay a few visits to nearby senior centers—you’ll create some happy memories and provide them with useful information for any friends or family who may need real estate help in the future. The possibilities are endless, and the more you volunteer, the faster you’ll become an established presence in your community.

Attend events

You can have a good time and network all at the same time! Do your neighbors know that they have a real estate professional living right down the street? Throwing a block party can help you get that message across while building strong relationships that could prove fruitful—not only for referrals, but if you ever need to borrow a cup of sugar, too! Those beach parties and ice cream socials that are being held by community groups or schools? They’re the perfect opportunities to get your name out there, as well.

Provide free classes

What better way to set yourself up as an essential real estate resource than by offering some free classes? You might find that those within your community aren’t looking to move right away, but you can bet they’ll give you a call later down the road because you were their go-to person for staging tips, marketing information and so much more. While this is easy to do with simple videos on social media, there’s something about an in-person meeting that really makes an impact. Offer these sessions monthly or quarterly and teach a new lesson every time. You’ll be surprised how many people are interested in expanding their knowledge base, and how that can lead to new clients and a lot more referrals.

It’s all about getting yourself out there and leaving a powerful impression. Sure, call-arounds and mailings can be successful marketing tools, but don’t underestimate the power of in-person networking through community involvement.

For more information, visit https://www.colibrirealestate.com/accelerator-real-estate-recruitment/.

Colibri Real Estate empowers aspiring and seasoned real estate professionals to start or advance their career through unmatched learning solutions. From qualifying education courses to exam prep and continuing education to professional development, we support your learning throughout your real estate career. For more information, visit https://www.colibrirealestate.com/.