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Forbes Global Properties announced it has welcomed luxury specialist RI Properties to its prestigious ranks. The firm will exclusively represent the brand in Monaco, the opulent principality on the famed French Riviera.

RI Properties was founded by Johanna Rit and Managing Partner Giacomo Bozano and its offerings are further bolstered by Giovanni Paolo Risso. Specializing in the prestigious markets of Monaco and the French Riviera, the firm is uniquely positioned to help buyers, sellers, and international investors navigate highly nuanced luxury transactions. The firm’s discerning clientele further benefits from its unparalleled depth of local expertise backed by an unwavering commitment to professionalism, discretion, and service.

Born in Monaco, Rit has experience in the communication, marketing, and sales sectors of real estate.

“We are thrilled to introduce our luxury haven to the world. The properties that we have the privilege of representing will surely resonate with global buyers,” said Johanna Rit, founder of RI Properties. “Our clients will benefit from the extended international reach of Forbes Global Properties, advanced by premier marketing services and captivating content.”

Bozano has more than seven years of success in structuring real estate deals and ownership. Risso is a real estate investor and international consultant, working on behalf of major investment funds. Paolo also serves as the president of the Italian Entrepreneurs Association of Monaco (AIIM) and is a member of the board of the Conseil Economique et Social of the Government of Monaco.

“Recognized throughout the world for its vibrant cultural offerings and grand casinos, Monaco is the venerable home and sought-out destination of high-net-worth individuals,” said Michael Jalbert, CEO of Forbes Global Properties. “We are thrilled to welcome RI Properties and introduce this special luxury residential market to our global network.”

For more information, visit https://www.forbesglobalproperties.com/.