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The National Association of REALTORS (NAR) has confirmed that its fifth annual Innovation, Opportunity & Investment (iOi) Summit will take place on August 29-20 in Miami, Florida. The event, presented NAR’s venture capital arm Second Century Ventures, will bring together 700 PropTech groups for a pitch battle.

NAR’s iOi summit is the fifth annual one of its kind; it gives tech solutions a four-minute window to pitch their idea before a panel of industry judges.  The winner receives a $15,000 prize, a booth at NAR’s annual conference in November (NAR NXT), and a meeting with the SCV executive team. The company will be featured in an upcoming edition of REALTOR® Magazine and will present the next Pitch Battle winner at the 2024 iOi Summit.

The event highlight schedule is as follows:

  • Keynote speaker Amy Webb shares insights into emerging trends and technologies that are set to redefine our world.
  • Scaling a Startup From a Bunker: A True Founder Story: NAR President Kenny Parcell and Ukrainian tech entrepreneur Roman Sevast recount a “saga of resilience, innovation and triumph against all odds.”
  • The Impact of FedNow on the Real Estate Industry: Hear from Bernadette Ksepka, vice president & deputy head of payments product, Federal Reserve Financial Services; and Teresa Grobecker, CEO, Real Estate Consortia.
  • The Pitch Battle: Witness 12 real estate tech startups compete in a “Shark Tank”–style competition for a significant business boost.

For more information, visit https://www.nar.realtor/.