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Is having an office to go to important to you? And if so, can you quantify how much that opportunity is worth?

The answer to this last question is in fact, yes, thanks to RISMedia’s 2023 Contract & Commission Study. Whether you are an in-office evangelist or remote-work lifer, knowing the opportunity cost of where you decide to conduct your business is absolutely vital.

Surveying agents and commission-earning brokers all over the country, RISMedia’s exclusive, groundbreaking report on real estate compensation found that remote workers earn a 10% higher split than those who go into an office. Along with a plethora of other insights covering fees, commissions, profit sharing and much more, this report can help you put dollar figures on all the priorities and choices that guide your career, helping you maximize your earning potential.


And it pays to dig deeper in a business where a huge multitude of interrelated factors directly affect your bottom line. For instance, the study also found that in-office workers are slightly more productive than those who work exclusively from home, and were less likely to switch companies. As an agent, your understanding of real estate compensation should be just as deep and nuanced as your expertise in housing. As a broker, understanding how your choices affect your agents’ productivity is an indisputable necessity.

The choice between in-office or remote is only one of many dynamics covered in the study, which includes everything from which brokerage model is charging higher fees to what type of agent is closing the most transactions. Whether you are a real estate executive seeking to build a roster of dedicated, high-performing agents or a REALTOR® trying to chart a financially fulfilling career, the insights contained in this study will lead you there.

Don’t leave money on the table. Read the Premier-exclusive report today.