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Real estate software company CubiCasa has announced that 10 Multiple Listing Services services have joined its MLS Program, launched last December.

The new MLS members are as follows:

  • Bay Area Real Estate Information Services
  • Big Sky Country MLS
  • Buffalo Niagara MLS
  • Colorado Real Estate Network (CREN)
  • Central Jersey MLS
  • MiRealSource
  • Classic MLS (Athens Area Association of REALTORS®)
  • Cooperative Arkansas Realtors MLS
  • St Augustine & St Johns County Board of Realtors
  • The Central Texas Multiple Listing Service

With these partnerships, CubiCasa’s MLS Program has now reached more than 20 participating MLSs. The partner list includes some of the nation’s largest MLSs, including Bright MLS, Georgia MLS, the Houston Association of REALTORS ® and many others.

“Consumers are better informed when they can visualize a property floor plan and its dimensions before making an offer,” said Karen Holmgren, CEO and president of Bay Area Real Estate Information Services. “CubiCasa’s technology empowers our agents and local real estate photographers to easily create floor plans and add them to their listings.”

Central Jersey Multiple Listing Service CEO Richard Steinberg said, “We’re pleased to collaborate with CubiCasa and provide our subscribers with a user-friendly floor plan solution. With CubiCasa’s innovative technology, our agents can effortlessly enhance their listings with floor plans via a five-minute smartphone scan.”

CubiCasa’s MLS Program offers participating members exclusive benefits, including 

  • Access to free floor plans generated by the CubiCasa app.
  • Discounted rates on optional add-on features.
  • A directory of trusted real estate photographers currently utilizing CubiCasa.
  • “Reliable and digitized” property information.

“The idea behind CubiCasa’s MLS Partnership Program is to provide benefits to MLS organizations and make home buying a simpler and more efficient experience,” said Jeff Allen, president of CubiCasa. “By providing MLSs with free floor plans, discounted rates on add-ons, and access to real estate photographers across the nation already using CubiCasa, we’re creating a more holistic real estate ecosystem for agents and buyers alike.”

For more information, visit https://www.cubi.casa/