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United® Real Estate Group has announced iit has been named for the seventh time to the Inc. 5000 list, ranking No. 711 among 5,000 of America’s fastest-growing private companies. United landed among the top 14% of this year’s roster of elite companies and is the fastest-growing national real estate brokerage in the ranking. As a repeat alum, United is also part of the Inc. 5000 Honor Roll.

According to a release, in the past four years, the brokerage advanced 3,807 positions in the Inc. 5000, catapulting from No. 4,518 in 2019 to No. 711 today. United’s three-year revenue growth is 826%.

“Our growth rests on four complementary growth pillars that our team has executed on in an exemplary way,” said United Real Estate Group CEO Dan Duffy.  “While our market has significantly contracted in the last twelve months, we continue to grow by quickly adapting and reallocating resources to the growth pillars that are best aligned to market conditions. In the first six months of 2023, our market share and number of affiliated professional real estate agents have grown substantially while other firms in our space have experienced substantial losses.”

“With the unique and diverse team we have assembled, our purpose-built advantaged business model, and an insane amount of focused curiosity, I hope to see us on the fastest-growing private company list for years to come,” he added. 

United credits its growth and efficiency in part to its BullseyeCloud-Based Productivity Platform. The company also stresses reinvestment in itself for further growth and continued productivity. Research released in June by Mike DelPrete, a real estate tech strategist, author and consultant, unveiled that United Real Estate pays its agents more than any other national brokerage – 96% of total gross commission earned by the real estate agent. 

“It has never been more critical to run brokerage operations in an efficient and effective manner,” explained United Real Estate President Rick Haase. “The economics of the business and operational model need to be in sync in order to flow agent compensation correctly. Being listed for seven years in the Inc. 5000 and rising in the ranking speaks to the correctness of our vision and the relentless execution of excellence by our people.”

For more information, visit https://www.unitedrealestate.com/.