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Analytics are one of the most important metrics to use in order to track and propel your business on social media. This data allows you to enhance your marketing through seeing direct results of your posts and campaigns, broken down into specifics. That being said, there are many different analytics you can observe, so which ones are the most important to keep track of?

The main analytics you’re going to want to keep tabs on are performance, audience, paid ads and sentiment. Here’s a quick breakdown of what each analytic is and how it helps:

  • Performance: This is your impressions, reach, likes, comments, shares, views, clicks and sales. This directly shows you the impact of each post/campaign, which can help you plan future design and release.
  • Audience: This is the demographic groups interacting with your content. You’re going to specifically want to look at age, gender and location so you can tailor your content to these groups, and see who you’re missing out on.
  • Paid Ads: If you use paid ads on your socials, this will allow you to track the clicks, click-through rate, cost-per-click, cost-per-engagement, cost-per-action, conversion rate and total ad spend. This will help you determine ad effectiveness and if the costs are worth it.
  • Sentiment: This is both brand sentiment and market sentiment. You can specifically track the consumer outlook around your brand with social listening tactics, as well as track the sentiment surrounding the housing market as a whole to help you craft your marketing strategy to change minds in your favor.

As for how to track your social media analytics, there are a few different tech tools you can turn to in order to compile this data, and you may have to combine a few to get the full picture. Here are just a few of your options:

  • ACESocial: a content creation and scheduling tool that tracks performance and audience
  • Sprout Social: all analytics
  • HubSpot: performance and paid ads, as well as tracking a consumer’s entire marketing journey
  • Google Analytics: all analytics, including for websites
  • Rival IQ: competitor analysis, basic social analytics, social listening, reporting and social media audits
  • Audiense: performance and audience
  • Brandwatch: performance and audience

Are you looking to boost your online presence, enhance your content and grow your real estate business? RISMedia’s ACESocial is truly simple content marketing proven to highlight your expertise, increase engagement, generate leads and build brand awareness—all in one place. To learn more or sign up today, visit acesocial.rismedia.com.