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Chime Technologies has announced the company has rebranded as Lofty. The company says the change marks a significant step in its evolution and underscores the organization’s commitment to providing practical AI-powered innovations for real estate professionals. 

A release states: As the real estate space becomes more competitive, AI has the potential to greatly increase process efficiency through automation and lowering operating costs, all while empowering agents to spend more time doing what they do best—building relationships and selling properties. Powered by AI technology, Lofty’s cohesive platform ensures real estate professionals can spend less time juggling multiple software applications and more time building their business.

“The real estate industry is arguably amid the most significant, positive disruption in its history. It stands to unravel structures that have long undermined innovation and competition. The agents and firms that best utilize technology and systems will outcompete the competition and seize market share,” noted Robert Lucido Jr., chief strategy officer at Lucido Global. “Our team has long been impressed by Lofty’s commitment to providing best-in-class innovations that make a real difference in the lives of our agents and teams. We are excited to leverage Lofty’s next wave of product development and aggressively compete in the next era of our industry.”

The Lofty platform features a single, flexible hub to help automate marketing programs, streamline the sales process, maximize collaboration and convert more leads into transactions, the company says. Most recently, the company introduced an AI Marketing Assistant designed to help busy agents and teams streamline marketing content creation and execution. Unlike simple point solutions and outdated CRM software, the company says Lofty seamlessly optimizes every step of the customer journey from search to settlement.

In tandem with the rebrand, Lofty is also announcing the introduction of a significantly upgraded mobile app, recognizing that efficiencies generated by AI will enable agents to spend more time out in the field while still requiring on-the-go access to the Lofty platform. Built from inception as a mobile-first offering, the company states the Lofty app will bring together all the key capabilities customers know and love plus brand-new features including:

  • Chat groups—Enables greater team collaboration and efficiency around listings and provides an upgraded user experience for agent-to-consumer chat.
  • Showing management—Provides a new innovative solution for agents to communicate and coordinate showings, create more engagement, and capture more interest on their listings.
  • Listing management—Agents can now easily search, manage, and promote listings directly from their mobile device empowering them to be even more productive while on the go.

“As the real estate industry continues to change rapidly, we have expanded our vision to best meet the evolving needs of our customers, helping them navigate and prosper in a world that will be driven by AI,” noted Joe Chen, CEO of Lofty. “We want our brand to inspire customers to believe in their future success and set ‘lofty’ goals for their business. Our clients can continue to expect the same high level of product innovation and commitment to addressing their business needs through the practical application of AI technology.”

To learn more and hear directly from the executive team about what this evolution means visit, lofty.com/chimetolofty.