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Lone Wolf Technologies, a real estate software company, has announced the launch of an all-new agent marketing center—made to connect the solutions real estate agents use every day. 

According to a release, the Lone Wolf agent marketing center is a unique, connected platform that brings together the disparate tools that real estate agents need to promote and expand their businesses—including lead generation, comparative market analysis (CMA), MLS searches and alerts, CRM, open house management, landing pages and more—into one convenient location, under one login. 

“Right now, the real estate industry doesn’t need promises—it needs proof that providers can deliver the software it needs for the future,” said Jimmy Kelly, CEO of Lone Wolf. “It’s more important than ever in today’s market that real estate agents, and especially buyer’s agents, have the tools they need to articulate their value to prospective clients. But as we as an organization have said through much of this past year, real estate agents need better software to do that, not more software—and that software is here today in the form of our agent marketing center.” 

With the new platform, the company says agents have the flexibility to stop worrying about the small details and can instead focus on showcasing their unique value propositions to potential clients through a combination of prospect engagement, tangible demonstration of the agent’s knowledge and expertise, and the personalized service clients expect—helping them win more business and reach their goals for 2024. 

The agent marketing center comes with two plans, curated to meet each agent’s unique needs and help reinforce their value to prospective and current clients: 

– The Empower plan focuses on building strong client connections and establishing agents as a goto resource through powerful, relevant, and timely communication strategies 

– The Amplify plan focuses on helping agents expand their real estate businesses with a complete lead generation package for those who want to attract, nurture, convert, and win over new clients 

The company notes that throughout the month of November, agents can sign up for either of these plans on an annual renewal and receive an exclusive discount for the entire year, setting them up for long-term success without undue strain on their budgets. 

“In introducing both the agent marketing center and this unprecedented Black Friday promotion, we’re rising to the challenge that so many real estate agents across North America are currently facing. The market shifts and volatility have taken a toll across the industry, and unfortunately, that’s left many feeling uncertain and discouraged in what should be a time of planning and preparing for another successful year,” said Aaron Kardell, vice president of Product at Lone Wolf. “It’s our hope that by making the software of the future available—and by offering it at a discounted price point throughout November—we can help agents prepare enthusiastically for the coming year.” 

For more information, or to get started on Black Friday shopping early, visit the Lone Wolf website here.