Above, from left, Bill Fankhauser, Brooke Farber, Ben Calhoon and Anthony Masci of the Calhoon Group.
A third-generation REALTOR® based in Columbus, Ohio, Ben Calhoon graduated from Ohio University with a single goal in mind: “to learn from my predecessors, to keep growing and to provide my clients with incomparable service.”
In 2022, with more than 20 years of experience behind him, he put together a dynamic team of four agents committed to the same ideals.
Already rated in the top half-percent in sales at Berkshire Hathaway Home Service Professionals, the Ben Calhoon Group and its spirited leader have earned the franchise’s Diamond, Platinum, and Chairman’s Circle Awards, and show no signs of slowing down.
Barbara Pronin: You had a successful career as a single agent, Ben. At what point and why did you decide to create a team?

Ben Calhoon
Ben Calhoon: When I realized how much more could be accomplished with a collaborative group of agents sharing the same ideals and working toward a mutual goal. After 20 years in the business, I had been doing a little mentoring anyway, and I saw first-hand how much that could do to boost confidence and ability.
BP: Did you start your team with experienced people?
BC: I did. Anthony Masci, my co-team lead, had been a top producer for several years. Brooke Farber had sold over $90 million in real estate over the course of her career, and Bill Frankhauser had more than 20 years of client management experience.
BP: It isn’t always easy for experienced agents who’ve been working independently to work together as a team.
BC: It helped that we all respected and admired each other. We entered into it with the right attitude and a common sense of purpose.
BP: And at less than two years operating as a team, how is it working out?
BC: In our first year, we did $31 million in sales and 76 transactions. Midway through 2023, we were already at $26 million, so we will definitely beat our first year’s production.
BP: And apart from increased production, what do you find the most advantageous?
BC: Without question, that we know we have back-up when we need it. Not only are we able to cover for each other, but our clients have the comfort of knowing there are four people working on their behalf instead of one, and that one of us is always available when they need us.
BP: How are you organized as a team?
BC: Each of us works with both buyers and sellers throughout central Ohio. We do commercial as well as residential real estate, property management and relocation business – and we are fortunate to have a super-efficient ‘office Mom’ who handles our administrative needs.
BP: How do you typically communicate?
BC: We meet as a group on as-needed basis, but we do stay in close communication so that we are all on the same page in terms of listings, activity, current clients, what each of us handling, and anything we might want back-up for. We are all aware that the success of one is the success of the team, and we support and celebrate one another.
BP: What would you say differentiates your team from the competition?
BC: Each of us brings with us a personal reputation of honesty, integrity, and knowledge – and deep roots in the communities we serve that give us unbeatable local expertise. When you multiply that kind of commitment by four, our clients can be confident that nobody will work harder to help them reach their real estate goals.
BP: Do you consider yourselves a closed team, or are you open to other agents?
BC: We are absolutely open to the right people – either like-minded, experienced agents or newer agents with the right essentials that we can mentor and train.
BP: What is your current market environment?
BC: I would say we’re cautiously challenged. The market has slowed as rates have gone up, but inventory is still in short supply and the one thing that will not change is that people will always need to move. There’s enough business out thee for dedicated agents who are willing to go the extra mile.
BP: Ben, what’s your best advice for seasoned agents who may be thinking of forming a team?
BC: Be confident in your own success as a knowledgeable working agent – and get all your ducks in a row. Be sure you have the time and the temperament to work comfortably and transparently with associates.
BP: And finally, Ben, at this point in your tenure as a leader, is there any advice you received from your own predecessors that you consider golden?
BC: Yes, and I think it’s indispensable for working well with other people, whether they are clients or team mates. It’s a simple thing but it works every time. Talk less and listen more.
Calhoon team listing
1323 Leesland Drive
Westerville, Ohio
4 bedroom, 3 baths
3,164 square feet
Listing price: $595,000
To contact the Calhoon team, email Bencalhoon@bhhspro.com.