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Rocket Companies, the parent company of Rocket Mortgage, recently announced that Jonathan Mildenhall has been appointed the company’s first-ever chief marketing expert. 

Mildenhall—an internationally recognized marketing leader with decades of experience—boasts a prolific resume in the world of corporate marketing. After working at several firms in his native England from 1993 to 2007, he joined the Coca-Cola Company as vice president, global advertising strategy and content excellence. He departed Coca-Cola for Airbnb in 2014, serving as the company’s chief marketing officer for four years.

In 2018, Mildenhall became self-employed by co-founding the advertising consulting firm TwentyFirstCenturyBrand; his previous employer was a founding partner of Airbnb, alongside Peloton, Pinterest and several other companies.

Mildenhall took to LinkedIn to share the announcement, saying he was recruited personally by Rocket CEO Varun Krishna. Given his mission to refine Rocket’s voice, he naturally took the reins on the tone of the news while linking his past to Rocket’s business.

“Being born into poverty in the projects of North England, I shared a bedroom with two of my siblings until I went off to college. For me, homeownership was nothing more than a pipe dream. By the age of 24, I bought my first home. I had no idea of the impact becoming a homeowner would have on me. For the first time in my life, I experienced a sense of dignity, pride, security and identity that I didn’t know even existed. Up until I arrived in the U.S. at 38, I generated more personal wealth through homeownership than I did through my career. The security of homeownership is what enabled me to focus on my career, and later, create my family with my husband.”

Mildenhall will assume the CMO position effective Monday, January 8, and immediately get to work on building a “compelling voice for all businesses under the Rocket Companies umbrella,” said Rocket Companies.

For more information, visit https://www.rocketcompanies.com/.