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Above from left, Sue Yannaccone, Sherry Chris and Lindsay Listanski

What Moves Her®, the advocacy organization designed to help women in the real estate industry, is making waves with its latest endeavor: the Balance Blueprint campaign. Spearheaded by Sue Yannaccone, the powerhouse behind Anywhere Brands and Anywhere Advisors, this innovative initiative aims to revolutionize the real estate industry’s support for women—with esteemed leaders Sherry Chris and Lindsay Listanski stepping in as executive co-chairs. Through a series of leadership roundtables across the Anywhere franchise network, the new co-chairs are teaming up with Yannaccone to advocate for actionable practices and policies for businesses to support women in real estate. 

A revolutionary platform for finding new ways to connect, empower and inspire women since 2020, What Moves Her® now spans the entire Anywhere brand family—empowering 8,000-plus women through events, workshops and networking opportunities. Yannaccone, known for championing workplace fairness, is leading this trio to spark change for women in the industry. The campaign will kick off an expansive growth for What Moves Her®—offering elevated events, podcasts, awards and a membership exceeding 10,000 by 2024.

Tell us about Balance Blueprint and how it will serve the industry moving forward.

Sue Yannaccone: We established Balance Blueprint to harness diverse perspectives throughout our network to find actionable ways to address fairness and opportunity on behalf of women in real estate. We’ll be holding leadership roundtables with executives from throughout our network of franchisees to better understand challenges and opportunities for women in their markets and reinforce policies we are proud to have in place at Anywhere. The output of these sessions will inform a playbook for businesses in the industry to reference for best practices and policies to support women and other underrepresented professionals.

How does this campaign set out to implement lasting change within the industry?

Sherry Chris: Balance Blueprint will inspire the exchange of real-life scenarios from women and allies to help women within and outside the real estate industry overcome obstacles in the workplace and within their personal lives.

Lindsay Listanski: Our aim is to engage our international network of franchisees to identify best practices that can be scaled globally. We believe that opening this new and continuous feedback loop will enable real, lasting change.

What other innovative programming and expansion plans does the What Moves Her® initiative aim to unveil through this campaign?

SC: Plans are underway to launch a podcast in Q1 2024 as a platform to encourage sharing of issues women face in our industry and beyond and best practices for addressing them. We also plan to continue to hold live and virtual events throughout the coming year, to provide space and time for women and allies to meet, capture situations and share solutions. 

LL: We have identified several partnerships that will be new to What Moves Her® programming, will reach beyond our industry and will include a multigenerational audience. 

How does this new partnership with the Anywhere brand align with the overall mission and vision of the What Moves Her® initiative? 

SY: Our goal with What Moves Her® was to help women in the real estate industry develop their leadership skills and realize their professional development goals. Operating in a dynamic industry and ever-changing landscape means that we must continue to evolve, address new challenges and look for new ways to support the many women who are part of our network and those we hope to engage. RE

For more information, please visit https://whatmovesher.com.