Improving your fitness and getting healthier can be excellent goals to set for yourself. However, it can be all too easy to give up or get distracted as the year goes on. Creating realistic fitness goals is key to keeping yourself on track and finding success; these tips can help.
Set SMART Goals
With any goal, making sure it is achievable is key. Experts emphasize the importance of setting SMART goals to ensure that you set yourself up for success. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound, and all of these aspects are required to ensure that a goal is trackable and manageable. Following these boundaries for goal setting can help you avoid giving up or getting frustrated along the way.
Opt for Variety With Your Goals
They say variety is the spice of life and that may be what keeps your goal setting interesting. Include a mix of goals that cover various aspects of your fitness journey: goals for strength, flexibility, cardiovascular health, and overall well-being. This will keep things interesting and ensure whole-body health.
Be Realistic About Changes
Fad diets and sneaky commercial products may create an unrealistic vision of goals and their timing. Consult with a medical professional, personal trainer, or dietitian to find help to create your goal and how long it will take to achieve the goal you envision. Understand that achieving your fitness goals will require lifestyle changes. Be realistic about the number of changes you can make at once, and be prepared to adapt your habits and find ways to support your goals.
Ask a Pro for Help
Whether you are an avid gym goer or started out on the couch before deciding you wanted a new fitness routine, a professional can help immensely. consider asking a pro for help and hiring a personal trainer to create a plan that’s catered to meet your specific needs. They can help answer questions about the form function of certain exercises and provide the accountability you may need as your motivation starts to dip.
Create Rewards
When developing new habits, it’s important to reward your brain for the new connections it is making. Creating rewards when you hit certain goals can be extremely motivating. Consider a reward that is based on your effort, not a number you may not have as much control over. For example, reward yourself after hitting 20 consistent workouts rather than losing 20 pounds.