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Editor’s Note: Social Skills is a bi-monthly feature in RISMedia’s Daily News focused on social media and digital marketing tips, trends and solutions for agents and brokers.

The temperatures are rising, ice and snow are melting away, and the first day of Spring is less than a week away! It’s time to thaw out your lead generation skills by hosting a seasonal marketing event for current and potential clients.

Hosting events is always a strong lead gen tool: a way to not just connect with potential new clients and spread your name out, but to stay in contact with current and past clients to encourage referrals. The current coming of Spring is a great way to take advantage of events by playing to the change of the season.

Here are a few event ideas to thaw out your lead generation for Spring:

Host a planting workshop

Plants can be a challenge, as it is not always easy to learn how to get started with planting and caring. Hosting a planting workshop is a great way to open up plants to those who are looking to get started, and a great way for you to generate leads. For this event, homeowners—and renters as well—can come to pick out some plants and learn how to pot them or how to plant them in a garden and care for them. 

Plant a garden

In a similar vein as a planting workshop, you can host a garden planting event where people can come to help you plant a garden in a local area. This is another great way to teach a bit about gardening to current and future homeowners, and to help beautify your local area. Beautifying your local area is a great way to connect with the local community and become a hyperlocal staple and expert.

Plan an Easter egg hunt

Easter is coming up on Mar. 31, and many parents and families are busy and don’t necessarily have the time to prep and plan fun holiday activities for their kids. Hosting an Easter egg hunt is a great way to connect with these current and potential clients by offering them just what they need: some good old fashioned Easter family fun. 

Host a tax workshop

The arrival of Spring doesn’t just mean warmer weather, it also means the April tax deadline is quickly approaching. Taxes are notoriously confusing and many people look for help when it comes to filing. Hosting a free tax workshop will give you a great way to connect to many leads as in teaching about taxes, you can explain the tax benefits of homeownership and other aspects of real estate.

Get cleaning

Just like with planting a garden, you can host an event to clean a part of your local community. This can be anything along the lines of window cleaning local businesses or buildings like schools and libraries, to doing garbage pickup in local parks. As with planting a garden, this not only connects you to leads by connecting to the community, but it helps to beautify your local area and raise your status in the community.

While working to plan and host these events, don’t forget to keep up with your marketing by promoting them on social media! One of your biggest marketing tools, your social media promotion of your events will help them to reach broader audiences to draw in more leads and be even more effective.

P.S.- If you’re looking for some ideas on how to create Spring marketing posts for your social media for Spring, check out our other Social Skills article: ‘Spring’ Your Socials Into Action.

Are you looking to boost your online presence, enhance your content and grow your real estate business? RISMedia’s ACESocial is truly simple content marketing proven to highlight your expertise, increase engagement, generate leads and build brand awareness—all in one place. To learn more or sign up today, visit acesocial.rismedia.com.
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