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Above, Jeff Grebe

Jeff Grebe


Weichert, REALTORS® – Advantage Plus

Knoxville, Tennessee


Region served: East Tennessee

Years in real estate: 31

Number of offices: 2

Number of agents: 68

Favorite part of your job: Seeing agents succeed.

What are some of the current trends you see in your market right now? 

We’re in a low-inventory market where we have more buyer interest than sellers. We have a lot of sellers who are tentative to come to the market because of the low interest rates they have locked in on their homes. Buyers are left competing for what comes on the market. In terms of sentiment, sellers, for the most part, are selling only if they have to sell. Meanwhile, we have a lot of buyers who are wanting to buy. 

How does your company work to make its agents’ jobs easier?

Education, first and foremost. We have weekly meetings where we’re talking about exactly what’s going on in the market so that our agents can be that knowledge broker and take it to their clients. As far as Weichert goes, we have a variety of tools agents need to market and facilitate their business in an effective and efficient way. 

Is now the time to pursue expansion—in terms of offices and/or number of agents? Why or why not?

You always have to be looking at expansion, particularly when it comes to the number of agents. I think we have an advantage in that area because of the education, support, coaching and training we provide, especially with everything that’s going on right now. With the changes we’re seeing, agents are looking for leadership. It’s an opportunity to grow. 

What is your best piece of advice for agents looking to advance into leadership positions?

Having been president of our local association, I put into place a leadership itinerary where people go through a class to learn about just that. Not only do we have the leadership academy on the local level, but there’s one at the state level as well. Being involved in something like this would be a good first step for anyone looking to advance into a leadership position. We also have a mentor program in our office, where newer agents shadow our more experienced agents to train in leadership. This is another way that agents can move into leadership roles.  

What attracted you to Weichert?

I’ve been with Weichert since 2003, and we were actually the first Weichert franchise in Tennessee. What attracted me to the brand was seeing the success that Jim Weichert had and knowing that the systems he put in place worked. They are a systems-based company for everything from open houses to listing presentations. They also have their buyer value consultation, which will become even more important across the nation in light of the recent proposed settlement. I would also say that it’s the people. There’s a unique relationship between the company leadership and the broker/owners, and an environment that fosters growth and supporting one another. 

As we continue through 2024, what are you most looking forward to? 

I’m most looking forward to the interest rates coming down. I believe a 1% tick down into the 5% range would create a seismic shift in the activity of sellers who are willing at that point to go forward, even though they might have a lower rate locked in.

For more information, please visit https://www.weichert.com.