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RISMedia’s Rookie of the Year contest is back, honoring agents who are new to the business yet achieving extraordinary results. Now is the time to nominate a 2024 Real Estate Rookie of the Year! 

Nominations may be submitted here. Deadline ends 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, June 5.

RISMedia’s Rookie of the Year program, sponsored by industry education leader, Colibri Real Estate, is designed to honor real estate agents who are new to the business yet achieving extraordinary results. The 2024 Rookie of the Year award recognizes new agents for their accomplishments in 2023.

This year’s Rookie of the Year contest will again recognize five regional winners in addition to one national award recipient. Here, we take a look back at two of our 2023 regional winners, from the Southeast, Hudson ‘Mitch’ Willis of LPT Realty in Florida, and from the West, Keaton Bankofier of John L. Scott Real Estate in Oregon. 

Hudson ‘Mitch’ Willis

By teaming with seasoned professionals and veterans, and cultivating an impressive resume throughout his rookie year, Hudson ‘Mitch’ Willis positioned himself as an agent of trust, honesty and integrity. 

While he dedicated himself to learning and personal development throughout 2022, he attributes his success to the valuable mentors he gathered on his journey. “If you can find a mentor or a coach that has been there and done that, and is truly concerned about your success, I think that’s the greatest thing,” says Willis. “We see people in the industry that are doing really well, and we strive to be like that, but you’ve got to make it fit who you are, and always be yourself.”

Willis reminds us that there’s always room for growth, sharing his advice for new agents embodies untapped wisdom from a fresh perspective. “Don’t chase the money. You’ve got to be relational with people, because as soon as they realize you’re treating them as a transaction, it’s over with. People want to do business with people they know they can trust, who are going to look after them in their home.”

Keaton Bankofier

Impressing his colleagues and growing his client base through commitment to being responsive, trustworthy and attentive all in his first year in the b business, Bankofier proves that providing value is the key to agent success. 

With a strong industry understanding, commitment to cultivating long-lasting relationships and continually nurturing his network, he also earned the top producer title with John L. Real Estate in his first year. “I make it a daily goal to acquire new knowledge, and this continuous learning has started to add up,” he says. “Achieving success in real estate is a collective effort, and I’m deeply grateful for all the individuals who have supported me along the way.”

Though Bankofier was a newcomer in his fiend, he demonstrated that a trustworthy and honest agent never goes unnoticed, even without a long track record. He believes that paying forward support and motivation is another way to provide lasting value. “I follow a philosophy where I try to spend time with three groups: those I mentor, those at a similar level as myself and those who are much more successful than myself,” says Bankofier. “This dynamic allows me to learn from the brightest minds, engage in healthy competition and exchange ideas with peers and provide valuable coaching to others.”

Do you know an exceptional new agent like Willis or Banokfier? Nominate a 2024 Real Estate Rookie the Year today!

Nominations may be submitted here. Deadline ends 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, June 5.

Who can participate?

Agents who received their license no earlier than Jan. 1, 2022 are eligible to participate in this year’s contest. Nominations can be made by any member of the real estate industry, including agents, brokers, MLS and association executives, coaches and service providers. Nominate as many agents as you would like, and agents may also nominate themselves. 

The deadline to nominate is fast approaching! Nominate your high-achieving agents now!

What does it take to make it to the finals? 

Nominees for the 2024 Real Estate Rookie of the Year award will be considered based on their 2023 sales volume and transaction data, investment in professional education, technology prowess and community involvement. These are the proud representatives of this industry’s future!

“Beginning your career as an agent during one of the most difficult real estate markets in history, not to mention amid the fallout from the commission lawsuits, took a tremendous degree of commitment and resiliency,” says RISMedia Founder & CEO John Featherston. “During these times when the integrity of residential real estate is under attack, it is more important than ever that we honor new-to-the-business agents for not only their production success but for the passion and professionalism with which they approach their business. RISMedia’s Real Estate Rookie of the Year annual award program helps elevate our industry’s reputation, for the benefit of those who work within it as well as for the consumers they serve.”

Nominations may be submitted here.