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The layout of a room is the most essential first step in the design process. Creating a floor plan to scale and focus on a room’s functionality will ensure the room is cohesive, welcoming and comfortable. While almost any layout will likely work for your household, there are subtle shifts you can make to a room’s design so it functions optimally. Here are some of the most common room layout mistakes and how to fix them.

The Rug is too Small
When a rug is too small, the room lacks an anchor. An undersized rug can also make a room feel smaller. The correct size rug can instantly make a room feel warmer and more welcoming and anchor the entire room. The ideal rug size is ensuring at least the front legs (if not all four) of the sofa and chairs are on the rug and leaving 12-18 inches between the edge of the rug and the wall.

All the Furniture Rests Against the Walls
Many people’s first instinct is to position every piece of furniture against a wall. A room can lack a level of warmth and intimacy when the furniture rests against a wall instead of floating in the middle. One of the key elements of a successful floor plan is creating a space that will facilitate conversation. Floating the furniture in the center of the room will create an inviting space that allows for easy conversation. If the room is particularly large or long, you can divide the room in two, creating two separate seating areas.

The Walkways Are Tight
Some rooms feel more comfortable than others, but it isn’t easy to put your finger on it. A space that accounts for correctly sized walkways has an open and inviting overall feeling. Creating defined walkways throughout the room will let you easily navigate the space. Walkways that are three feet wide are a good rule of thumb as you space plan. Allowing 18 inches between the sofa and the coffee table will allow you to walk through the two pieces while also comfortably resting your drink on the table.

There Are No End Tables
End tables can be an afterthought when you’re selecting furniture. However, these tiny but mighty tables are essential to factor into the floor plan. Ensuring every seat has a spot to rest and drink is an easy way to approach end tables. Each accent chair should have an end table; if you have two accent chairs side by side, they can share a table in the middle. A coffee table should accompany a sofa, and there should ideally be one or two additional end tables.

The Furniture Came in a Set
Buying a matching furniture set is an easy way to furnish a room. However, it’s also an easy way to create a space that is void of personality or character. Blending various lines, textures, materials and patterns will result in a room that looks intentionally designed, warm and inviting.