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Above, Laura Roman

Six years ago, I left the corporate world to join my husband in the real estate industry. With a background in human resources, operations management, commercial insurance and customer service, I brought a well-rounded perspective to better serve our clients. Our goal was clear: to focus on serving our clients, building relationships and creating a strong referral-based business. This vision became a reality through our affiliation with Homes for Heroes, a program that has not only stabilized our business but has also driven significant growth, especially during challenging market conditions.

Community partnerships as the foundation

Community partnerships have been the cornerstone of our business strategy. By aligning ourselves with local organizations and actively participating in community events, we have established a strong presence and built lasting relationships. These partnerships have enabled us to connect with local heroes—military personnel, first responders, healthcare workers and teachers—who are the heartbeat of our communities. We have given back $105,000 to our local heroes and their families, reflecting our deep commitment to supporting those who serve.

Triumph in a down market

Despite the challenges of a down market, we were able to triple the number of heroes we served in 2023. This achievement is a testament to the power of our community partnerships and our unwavering focus on service. By prioritizing relationships and community involvement, we created a resilient business model that thrives even in uncertain times.

The Homes for Heroes advantage

The Homes for Heroes program has been instrumental in our success. By offering substantial savings on real estate transactions to those who serve, we have attracted a loyal client base and fostered a sense of trust and gratitude. This affiliation has also opened doors to new opportunities, enabling us to give back to our community in meaningful ways.

Through Homes for Heroes, we have supported numerous local heroes, helping them achieve their dreams of homeownership while saving money. The program’s benefits extend beyond financial savings; it provides a sense of appreciation and recognition for the hard work and sacrifices made by our clients.

A commitment to service

Our approach to real estate is centered on service, community and gratitude. By focusing on these principles, we have built a business that not only succeeds but also makes a positive impact on the lives of others. We believe that by serving our clients with integrity and dedication, we can create a ripple effect of goodwill and support throughout our community.

As we look to the future, we remain committed to our mission of serving heroes and giving back. Our journey with Homes for Heroes has shown us that when you prioritize service and community, growth and success naturally follow. We encourage other real estate professionals to consider the power of community partnerships and the profound impact they can have on both business and community.

To learn more about how Laura Roman has tripled her business during a down real estate market, check out her full interview, The Power of Partnerships.