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Bright MLS, the Mid-Atlantic multiple listing service and SentriLock smart lockbox provider have announced a strategic collaboration that will offer innovative showing service technology to Bright subscribers.

According to a release, the integration of SentriLock’s SentriKey Showing Service® will provide choice for Bright’s brokers and agents so that they can determine and use the showing service that best fits their needs. In support of providing choice, SentriLock has also agreed to integrate with the Showing Hub platform from REalchemy. The Showing Hub is a technology venture from Bright and CRMLS that will facilitate interoperability and promote innovation and competition among showing vendors in the marketplace, the release noted.

“Our agreement with SentriLock marks an important milestone in our long-term strategic initiative towards implementing subscriber choice of showing providers in the marketplace, and the interoperability between multiple vendors via the Showing Hub platform Bright has developed,” said Brian Donnellan, president and CEO of Bright MLS. “Our goal for the Hub is to work closely with vendors to enable them to create better products for users, and we believe SentriLock will up that standard. The Showing Hub will not only enhance efficiency but also elevate the overall experience for our agents to choose the tools that best work for them and their clients.”

According to the firms, this collaboration underscores the commitment of both companies to driving innovation and improving the real estate experience for all parties. By combining their expertise and resources, Bright MLS and SentriLock are poised to set a new standard in showing service technology. With the agreement in place, detailed product integration and technical planning and development has begun between the Bright and SentriLock teams. As that integration development advances, in parallel, the companies will begin to plan go-to-market strategies over the summer with an anticipated delivery in the late fall, they said.

“At SentriLock, we are committed to providing innovative solutions that enhance security and convenience for real estate professionals,” said Scott Fisher, CEO and founder of SentriLock. “Our partnership with Bright MLS has been a long standing one. We provide lockbox services for more than 75 percent of those marketplaces. This represents a significant advancement in showing service technology, and we are excited to bring this new level of service to our mutual customers and Bright MLS subscribers.”

For more information visit https://www.brightmls.com/home