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Forbes Global Properties has announced Michael Saunders & Company as its newest affiliate. Michael Saunders & Company is a luxury brokerage serving Sarasota, Manatee and Charlotte, Florida counties, including $2,000,000-plus properties where it will officially represent the brand’s Southwest Floridian roots.

The firm was founded in 1976 by Michael Saunders and has since grown from a single 1,000-square-foot office in Sarasota to 17 locations throughout the Gulf Coast region, a release noted. Michael Saunders & Company’s team includes more than 600 agents and 150 support professionals. 

This announcement coincides with the Dec. 5 opening of the firm’s 18th office in the Residences at The St. Regis Longboat Key Resort in Longboat Key, Florida.

“A celebrated addition to our growing international network, Michael Saunders & Company is widely respected for nearly five decades of success throughout Southwest Florida and around the world,” said Michael Jalbert, CEO, Forbes Global Properties. “Michael, Drayton, and their team of talented professionals exemplify Forbes Global Properties’ staunch prioritization of client service, professionalism, and collaboration in every interaction.”

The exclusive worldwide residential real estate partner of Forbes, Forbes Global Properties provides branding and marketing services to the world’s premier real estate firms and is now represented by real estate agents across 26 countries in more than 525 locations, a release noted. As members of this network, Michael Saunders & Company will benefit from Forbes’ audience of more than 140 million affluent potential homebuyers and sellers searching for luxury properties for sale globally.

“At Michael Saunders & Company, we see the added value, prestige, and credibility of network partners who are selective in choosing their members.  Aligning with a globally recognized brand like Forbes Global Properties further enhances our global reach while providing additional access to a network of top-tier real estate firms worldwide,” said Michael Saunders, founder and CEO, Michael Saunders & Company. “Our team will also benefit from the ability to connect and collaborate with the finest luxury thought leaders across the US and globe.”

“This affiliation will allow us to leverage a powerful suite of exclusive marketing opportunities. Through Forbes Global Properties’ platforms, global network, and access to an affluent audience that trusts the Forbes brand, we will further distinguish our local luxury listings on a global scale for the benefit of our clients,” said Drayton Saunders, president, Michael Saunders & Company.

To learn more about Forbes Global Properties, click here.
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