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Episode #1
Anthony Lamacchia
Lamacchia Realty, Inc.


RISMedia Founder & CEO John Featherston steps in to host a brand new season of RISMedia’s RealEdge podcast, designed to help listeners get to know the real people behind some of the most fascinating and successful companies in our industry, and how they gained an edge to vault their success.

In this season’s debut episode, John sits down with “one of the fastest-growing superstars the industry has seen,” Massachusetts-based brokerage leader Anthony Lamacchia. Well known as an outspoken industry advocate in the wake of the Burnett v. NAR lawsuit, Anthony discusses his newfound celebrity status on the national real estate playing field, along with the many defining moments of his upbringing that fueled his personal drive and ultimate business success. As John says, “There’s the persona the industry has gotten to know, but let’s take a step back to see what shaped him as a leader.”

Episode highlights:

1:35 – Anthony shares how he feels about his newfound celebrity status in the wake of the Burnett v. NAR trial. “If that’s my reputation now in the industry, as someone who fights back and someone who maybe even overdoes it sometimes, I can live with that.”
4:00 – Walking us through the floor plan of his childhood home in Watertown, Massachusetts, Anthony shares his origin story, where he was raised by his father and grandparents—“a nice small home filled with a lot of love, but run by two grandparents that were from the old school. They were exactly what I needed.”
11:38 – Anthony explains how his first career with his father’s landscaping company sowed the seeds for his future real estate aspirations.
15:14 – While academics were never his thing, Anthony shares the invaluable lessons he learned from high school sports, and how the worst thing that happened to him was also the best thing that happened to him.
19:45 – Anthony shares the business lessons he learned from working with his dad and grandfather, and how it enabled him to “leapfrog ahead” when he got into real estate.
29:35 – Find out what keeps Anthony humble and why he still has to prove himself every day.
36:57 – Anthony shares the opportunities in today’s market for brokers, teams and individual agents, along with his goal for the future. “It’s more than an idea—it’s something we plan to do.”
41:47 – A master communicator, Anthony talks about the relationship and recruiting power of  Crush it in Real Estate. “The more I educate the marketplace, the more of a following I get.”
46:55 – Find out who inspires Anthony, and how he learns from “master messagers,” no matter who they are.
50:00 – The advice Anthony would give himself 15 years ago—and something he’s never shared in a public forum.
53:56 – Anthony closes by sharing his beliefs on where the industry and market will be one year from now.

Anthony Lamacchia is the CEO and owner of the Lamacchia Companies which consist of Lamacchia Realty, Lamacchia Property Management, Lamacchia Development, and Crush it in Real Estate Inc. and other holding companies.

Lamacchia spends most of his time working on recruiting top-producing REALTORS into Lamacchia Realty, training agents both inside and outside of the company, and strategically planning for the future. Lamacchia is considered an industry expert, having done hundreds of television appearances on local news programs, and many speaking engagements at national industry conferences, including NAR NXT, Zillow conferences, RISMedia events, and more. He is completely obsessed and passionate about providing all agents and employees with top-notch technology, tools, systems and training to excel in their careers and grow their businesses.

Lamacchia Realty launched Crush it in Real Estate in 2012, a program for agents that provides ground-level training conducted by Lamacchia and other trainers. Crush it in Real Estate Training is constantly being updated with tactics and strategies that are applicable to current market trends in the ever-evolving real estate industry. The program is highly recognized on a national level and has increased the business of company agents at an exponential rate. Hundreds of companies have purchased training on an ongoing basis for their agents.

In 2017, Crush It in Real Estate training launched its Facebook presence to give national REALTORS a sampling of the training. This platform engages and informs the entire real estate industry with tools, tips and market advice, and puts real estate education at the fingertips of everyone in the field. Today that page has over 44,000 followers on Facebook.

Links and resources
Lamacchia Realty
Crush it in Real Estate Inc
From Agent to Advocate: Anthony Lamacchia’s 20-Year Real Estate Run—and Where He’s Headed Next