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Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO) has announced the results of the 2025 Board of Directors election for five open seats, director appointments and the board’s Executive Committee for the next year.

“It is a pivotal year for organized real estate, and our membership responded by voting for steady guidance to lead the way,” said Rebecca Jensen, President and CEO of Midwest Real Estate Data (MRED). “We are thankful to all who heeded the call to leadership, and we look forward to seeing strong candidates return for future elections.”

RESO noted that Jensen was also chosen by her peers to return as Chair of the board for the sixth year in a row.

The election winners representing Multiple Listing Services (MLSs) and REALTOR® associations, according to a release:

  • John Breault, VP, MLS, State-Wide MLS in Rhode Island
  • Greg Moore, CTO, Regional Multiple Listing Service (RMLS) in Oregon

RESO stated the winner of the open board seat representing technology companies, developers, partners and consultants is Michael Hayes, Executive Director, Industry Development, Homes.com.

The organization added that the winners representing real estate brokerages, brokers, agents and appraisers are Caitlin McCrory, VP, Industry Relations, Anywhere; and Joe Wilhelmy, VP, Business Technology, RE/MAX.

The following at-large appointments were made by the RESO board, according to a release:

  • Richard Renton, CEO, Triad MLS
  • Matt Hendricks, Senior Director – Industry Affairs, Zillow
  • Patrick Pichette, VP, REALTOR.ca, Strategic Business & Innovation, Canadian Real Estate Association
  • Dan Troup, CEO, Broker Public Portal
  • Ross Buck, CEO, Omni MLS (Board Advisor)

RESO stated that the following board members will serve leadership positions on the Executive Committee through 2025:

  • Chair: Rebecca Jensen, President and CEO, MRED
  • Vice-Chair: John Breault, VP, MLS, State-Wide MLS
  • Secretary: Melissa King, COO, OneKey MLS
  • Treasurer: Richard Renton, CEO, Triad MLS

RESO added that Shaun York, Executive Director of Technology, Homes.com is closing out his term this year.

Lastly, the organization noted that the following RESO board members will continue to serve their terms in 2025:

  • Matt Cohen, Principal, Advisory Services, CoreLogic
  • Katy Davenport, Director of Product Management, First Multiple Listing Service (FMLS)
  • Bob Evans, SVP, Industry Relations, Move
  • Shayne Fairley, COO, Stellar MLS
  • Alex Lange, Head of Strategy and Innovation, National Association of REALTORS®
  • Janine Sieja, SVP, Product Development, Realtors Property Resource® (RPR)
  • Joseph Szurgyi, CEO, MLS Grid
  • Dan Weisman, Director of Innovation Strategy, National Association of REALTORS®
  • Michael Wurzer, President and CEO, FBS

“This board has consistently and generously donated their time and wealth of experience to help create and expand real estate standards for the betterment of the industry and the consumers we serve,” said Sam DeBord, CEO of RESO. “The ease with which we engage with real estate technology products would not be possible without the dedicated work of our volunteer leaders.”

For more information, visit https://www.reso.org/.