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Above, Mercedes Saewitz

LPT has announced that Mercedes Saewitz, a highly accomplished real estate professional with over 20 years of experience, has joined the company as senior vice president of operations for Aperture Lifestyle Real Estate. 

The company says this strategic appointment underscores LPT’s commitment to excellence in real estate services and its mission to deliver innovative solutions to clients and agents alike. 

Saewitz, a Miami native with roots in the Florida real estate market, brings a wealth of experience in high-end residential, commercial and development real estate, the company says. She previously served as the principal broker for Florida and national head broker representative at Compass. During her tenure at Compass, she led one of the largest broker teams in the company, drove operational excellence and played a pivotal role in major company initiatives, including product launches and business development efforts, a release noted. 

“Mercedes’s addition to the team marks a significant milestone for LPT,” said Robert Palmer, founder and CEO of LPT Holdings. “Her exceptional track record, coupled with her passion for driving success, aligns perfectly with our vision of empowering agents and elevating the real estate experience for all stakeholders.” 

Aperture is LPT’s lifestyle real estate brand, launching in 2025 to serve luxury real estate agents and their customers. Built on the same principles of offering cutting-edge marketing, technology and training, Aperture elevates agent success with tools, resources and strategies targeted to luxury clients, the company explains. 

“The Aperture brand is a key component of our plans for international expansion, Mercedes’s dedication to excellence and her innovative approach make her the perfect fit,” said Michael Valdes, chief executive officer of LPT International Realty. 

As senior vice president of operations for Aperture, Saewitz will lead strategic growth while overseeing compliance, risk management and the overall transactional success of agents. 

“I am beyond excited to join the LPT family, a trailblazing company celebrated for its agent-first philosophy and state-of-the-art technology,” said Saewitz. “This is an incredible opportunity to revolutionize the real estate experience for both clients and agents, setting bold new standards and raising the bar for the entire industry.” 

For more information, visit https://lpt.com/
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