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Century 21 Real Estate LLC. has announced it is continuing to expand its presence along the Wasatch Range with its latest affiliation with Lifestyle Real Estate, based in Orem, Utah.

The firm, now doing business as CENTURY 21 Lifestyle Real Estate, is owned and operated by the wife and husband duo of Tawnya and Tony Krull. Bringing more than 30 years of business experience including nine in Utah real estate, Tawnya serves as the firm’s principal broker and CEO, overseeing many of the brokerage’s day-to-day operations, including onboarding, agent education and client relations, the company noted. Tony, the firm’s vice president, handles finances and logistics.

“The CENTURY 21® brand is timeless,” said Tawnya. “I had a family member who was a broker at another CENTURY 21 independent brokerage many years ago, and she can attest to many of the same qualities that still make the brand attractive today. The CENTURY 21 System offers unparalleled marketing tools, name recognition and systematized services that everyone at the firm can’t wait to get their hands on. Ultimately, this affiliation offers opportunity and that’s incredibly exciting.”

Situated in the heart of Utah Valley, Orem is flanked by scenic views of the Wasatch Mountain Range, breathtaking landscapes, and Salt Lake City only 25 minutes north Affectionately nicknamed “Family City USA,” Orem is defined by its small-town feel. In 2023, the city’s numerous desirable amenities earned Orem a spot on Livability’s Top 100 Best Places to Live in the U.S, the release stated.

“In less than five years, Tawnya and Tony have been able to make their presence felt across the entire state of Utah,” said Mike Miedler, president and CEO of CENTURY 21 Real Estate LLC. “They know exactly how to resonate with the communities they serve, and they’ve expertly positioned themselves as the key to unlocking the best lifestyles that Utah has to offer. For them to be able to do so as a young, independent brokerage us so excited to see what they can be capable of with the support of a major international brand like CENTURY 21.”

To learn more, visit century21.com.