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Above, a Northern Italy home listed by Castellanum Real Estate.

Forbes Global Properties has announced Castellanum Real Estate, which serves Northern Italy’s South Tyrol and Lake Garda regions, is the latest firm to become a member of the international luxury brand.  

Founded in 1991, Castellanum is led by a five-member management team who have a combined 100 years of industry experience. Repeatedly recognized by the notable Best Property Agent award, the firm prioritizes professionalism, discretion and the delivery of highly personalized service, a press release noted.

“It is my pleasure to welcome Castellanum Real Estate to Forbes Global Properties,” said Michael Jalbert, CEO, Forbes Global Properties. “As acknowledged year after year with client referrals and accolades, Castellanum is deeply rooted in South Tyrol and Lake Garda and exemplifies our commitment to delivering best-in-class service paired with unmatched market expertise.”

“Our membership with Forbes Global Properties is a valuable opportunity for growth in two territories – Lake Garda and Trentino-Alto Adige – where tourism growth has directly impacted local real estate transactions,” explains Peter Cestari, co-founder of Castellanum Real Estate.

Forbes Global Properties is now represented by real estate agents across 26 countries in more than 525 locations. As members of this network, Forbes Global Properties notes that Castellanum will benefit from Forbes’ audience of more than 140 million to inform affluent potential homebuyers and sellers about the best properties for sale globally.

To learn more, visit forbesglobalproperties.com.
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