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Above, Christopher Alexander

RE/MAX has  announced that Christopher Alexander has chosen to conclude his tenure as President of RE/MAX Canada. He will continue in his role until March 3, 2025 and serve in a consultative role through June 30, 2025. Alexander will remain connected to the RE/MAX brand as a RE/MAX brokerage owner in Ontario and as a consultant to the RE/MAX Europe region.

Following Alexander’s departure from RE/MAX Canada, Erik Carlson, CEO of RE/MAX Holdings, will oversee operations in the region until the next leader of RE/MAX Canada is named, a press release stated.

“We want to thank Christopher for his many significant contributions to RE/MAX Canada and look forward to building on the strong foundation in place,” says Carlson. “Thanks in large part to Christopher’s efforts, RE/MAX continues to maintain its No. 1 market share in residential transaction sides and has grown its agent count to an all-time high in Canada. The power of the brand remains in the quality and caliber of RE/MAX broker/owners and sales associates, who strive every day to deliver the best experience in real estate to homebuyers and sellers.”

Alexander expressed his gratitude for this pivotal chapter in his life stating, “It has been the greatest honor of my career to lead this organization in Canada. The most rewarding part of this role has been collaborating daily with the exceptional, industry-leading entrepreneurs who make up the RE/MAX network. I’m incredibly proud of all that we’ve achieved together over the years and I’m confident the brand will continue to thrive as it has. 

“I’m looking forward to the future…and focusing on other entrepreneurial initiatives,” he added in a call with RISMedia. 

To learn more, visit remax.com