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Editor’s Note: Social Skills is a bi-monthly feature in RISMedia’s Daily News focused on social media and digital marketing tips, trends and solutions for agents and brokers.

As AI continues to evolve, its applications to business continue to grow and find new ways to advance. Not only can AI be used for the more complicated tasks of capturing and understanding data, but it has become a strong tool to implement in business marketing. 

Real estate professionals who want to not only stay ahead of the game, but want to simplify and streamline their marketing efforts should start taking advantage of the AI tools on the market. Here are some AI tools you can take advantage of to make your marketing efforts easier.

ChatGPT, Gemini and other chatbots

Chatbots are a really helpful tool when it comes to simplifying some aspects of your marketing. You can prompt a chatbot with any question or insight you need to help you in your marketing efforts, and is a really great place to generate and flush out ideas. You can also use it to help you build your content strategy, and it can even help you write the captions and tags of your social posts, or headlines of your blogs.

Beyond this, you can also use chatbots to assist you in client communication. You can use a chatbot to answer frequently asked questions (FAQs), generate leads, capture data and more. Overall, the possibilities are (nearly) endless.

To learn more about using chatbots to help your marketing, check out our past articles: Social Skills: Advancing Your Socials With ChatGPT and Social Skills: How to Use Chatbots to Streamline Communication With Potential Clients.


Canva is a pretty well known tool in the marketing world as an easy way to create graphics and images for your marketing efforts. While Canva itself is not necessarily an AI based tool, the platform takes advantage of AI to help simplify its usage and better your experience.

Canva has AI integrated to suggest designs, generate text and create images/designs. These tools allow the already helpful and easy platform to simplify your efforts even further. The platform also has AI admin controls at some of its higher priced membership tiers.

Canva has a free plan which allows access to the platform and some basic AI tools, but to take advantage of the full service you will have to pay for the premium membership, which starts around $120 for the year.


StoryChief is an all-in-one marketing platform that uses AI to create and distribute content across all your platforms—both social media and websites. Not only does this service create your content for you—and perform SEO and tagging/hashtagging—it will also track analytics for your website(s) and social media accounts. Plus, it can integrate with CMS and other marketing platforms that you may use.

Taking advantage of a service like this would simplify your marketing process by taking away your need for multiple platforms.

StoryChief has a few differently priced plans to choose from depending on what services you want, ranging from a free option that just performs analytics to $60 a month for social posts across four platforms and articles for your website/blog.

Are you looking to boost your online presence, enhance your content and grow your real estate business? RISMedia’s ACESocial is truly simple content marketing proven to highlight your expertise, increase engagement, generate leads and build brand awareness—all in one place. To learn more or sign up today, visit acesocial.rismedia.com.