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Weichert Real Estate Affiliates, Inc. has announced that it added 31 new franchised offices in 13 different states to its national franchise system in 2024. This marked the largest number of new office openings for the system since the start of the pandemic, the company noted.

The new additions pushed the Weichert® franchise footprint to 359 total offices, and the signing of offices in Delaware increased the franchise presence to 42 states nationwide, a press release noted. The successful year was highlighted by the addition of multiple new franchised offices in Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, Indiana, New York, Pennsylvania and Texas. The company stated that the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic saw the largest increase, with 12 new offices opening in the region.

“It’s very exciting to see the Weichert brand regain momentum and expand into new markets across the country,” said Bill Scavone, president of Weichert Real Estate Affiliates, Inc. “Our successful franchisees continue to deliver exceptional service, which has driven business growth and market expansion. We’ve also attracted many high-performing offices into our network, reflecting the strength of our brand, culture, and the quality of our tools, systems, and support.”

Weichert’s approach provides affiliates with a recipe for real estate success while giving them the flexibility to customize how they implement strategies within their local area to capture market share, the company stated.

The company also noted that it has been identified by Franchise Business Review as a top franchise for owner satisfaction 10 years in a row and was named one of the top traditional residential real estate franchises by Entrepreneur magazine 20 times.

For more information about Weichert Real Estate Affiliates, Inc., visit www.weichertfranchise.com