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Second Century Ventures has announced it is opening applications for the 2025 REACH Commercial technology growth program. As the most active global venture fund in real estate technology, Second Century Ventures operates REACH across seven major markets around the globe.

Now in its seventh year of operation, Second Century Ventures stated that REACH Commercial continues to support entrepreneurs developing innovative solutions across all asset classes of the commercial real estate sector.

“The REACH Commercial program offers unparalleled support and growth prospects for the proptech industry,” said Bob Gillespie, managing partner at REACH Commercial. “With our extensive experience working alongside participating companies, we help transform the industry’s biggest hurdles into major opportunities – refining their unique solutions while gaining a competitive edge in innovation, market presence and expansion.”

The organization stated that NAR’s REACH Commercial program aims to scale the most promising new technology companies in real estate, including brokerage, developer, housing and financial solutions. Participants receive premier access to the following:

  • Mentorship from real estate, venture capital and technology sector leaders;
  • Education from top experts about how to navigate the trillion-dollar global property industry;
  • Exclusive opportunities at the most impactful conferences, trade shows and networking events;
  • Unique access to top media and academic organizations; and
  • A global network of highly talented, like-minded entrepreneurs from more than 300 REACH portfolio companies and curated program sponsors.

“REACH Commercial is dedicated to supporting trailblazing companies poised to redefine real estate technology,” said Dave Garland, managing partner at Second Century Ventures. “We equip these visionaries with exceptional resources and insights, accelerating their growth and influence in the industry.”

For more information about REACH, or to apply, visit nar-reach.com.