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In celebration of the upcoming release of “Independence Day: Resurgence,” Homes.com put together a guide on how to protect your home from a potential alien invasion, which includes handy tips such as where to purchase UFO insurance, as well as booby trap ideas to keep the extra-terrestrials at bay.

To go alongside it, they have also created a seriously addictive, retro Space Invaders-style game so you can brush up your skills and prepare yourself for any future alien attacks.

The game takes place over 10 cities, with each city getting progressively harder to protect from the aliens’ destructive laser beams.

The amount of damage each alien missile causes correlates with the average house price in the city, so you can get an accurate view of how much cost in damage would be caused if the event was ever to happen.

Those who make it to the final level and are successful in saving the U.S. from total destruction can then enter a chance to win a $250 Amazon gift certificate by tweeting their score to @HomesDotCom with the hashtag #defendyourhomes!

The 10 levels are:

  • Cleveland, Ohio
  • Evansville, Ind.
  • Rockford, Ill.
  • Birmingham, Ala.
  • Atlantic City, N.J.
  • Bakersfield, Calif.
  • Charleston, S.C.
  • Austin, Texas
  • Naples, Fla.
  • Washington, D.C.

This game also inserts mini trivia questions throughout which can earn you bonus points for correct answers, but set you back if you miss the boat.

We must say—this game is tested and APPROVED by Housecall! Look, I don’t mean to brag (just kidding, this is definitely a #NotSoHumblebrag) but I even made the No. 3 spot in the leaderboard! (As of press time, of course…you can count on me going for No. 1!)


Click here to play the game and don’t forget to tweet us and @HomesDotCom with your scores!

This post was originally publ