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When the time comes to sell your home, you want to get the best price possible. Here are three major reasons why updating your house before putting it on the market will help:

New Buyers Don’t Want to Immediately Remodel
Major remodels can create a state of chaos in a home that most new homebuyers would rather avoid. Additionally, the costs involved in buying a home, moving and settling a family into a new space can be significant. Buyers may not be able to do necessary projects for a long time. Therefore, they’ll look more favorably upon–and be willing to shell out more cash for–a home that already has many improvements taken care of.

Strategic Updates Attract More Buyers
Real estate agents do a great deal of marketing online and through social media. Creating a good visual impression of your home will spark interest in more homebuyers. An updated kitchen or bathroom, fresh paint throughout the house and new flooring will draw buyers to your listing. Try using neutral color palettes and the most desirable materials in your upgrades, as these will appeal to the greatest number of potential buyers.

You Can Make Your Home More Competitive in the Market
If a homebuyer’s choice comes down to one home with desirable features that hasn’t been updated or a home that has been updated but may not be as desirable, the buyer is more likely to make an offer on the property that shows signs of TLC and has recently been remodeled. When your home already looks amazing, potential buyers will be able to focus their attention on other aspects of making the home their own.

Most real estate experts will recommend updating your home before putting it on the market, but not to such an extent that you can’t recoup your costs. Some projects, such as kitchen or bathroom remodels, new flooring and exterior maintenance, have a great record of making homes more appealing to buyers, allowing sellers to see a return on their investment.

Source: Anica Oaks/RISMedia’s Housecall