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Your backyard should be an oasis where you can relax and enjoy a meal and conversation with family and friends. A gazebo can add to the aesthetics of your yard and provide shelter from rain and shade on a hot day. If you’re thinking about building a gazebo, consider these important facts:

Reasons to Build a Gazebo
A gazebo is a stand-alone structure that often has an elaborate style. It can be round or octagonal and has a closed roof and floor to provide protection from the elements. A raised structure keeps the floor of the gazebo off the ground, and the roof is supported with beams or walls. The sides may be open or may have walls or screens to keep out insects. It is even possible to run electricity to a gazebo.

Many homeowners choose to add a gazebo to their yard because of its attractive appearance. A gazebo can lend an air of serenity to a property, inviting people to come in and relax. A large gazebo can be an ideal place for a band to perform at a backyard gathering.

A gazebo can provide privacy and security. If your yard isn’t fenced in, or if it has a fence but it isn’t tall enough to keep people from seeing into your yard, an enclosed gazebo can offer more privacy.

If you decide to sell your home in the future, prospective buyers will consider the design and appearance of your yard. A gazebo is an attractive feature that many homes don’t have, which could make your house stand out against the competition and help you get a better price.

How to Choose a Gazebo
Gazebos can be constructed from wood, vinyl, wrought iron or aluminum. Hardwood is the most commonly used material, but vinyl and aluminum last longer.

If you’re considering buying a gazebo, carefully consider the size of the structure and the amount of available space in your yard. You don’t want to choose a gazebo so large that it overwhelms the yard or doesn’t leave you with enough space for grilling and socializing or for your kids to play.

Gazebos are often sold in do-it-yourself kits. If you decide to buy one of those, ask some family members or friends for help assembling it. If you don’t purchase a DIY kit, you’ll need to hire a carpenter to build your gazebo. The overall cost will depend on the materials used, the size, the amount of labor required if you hire a carpenter, and whether you choose to include electricity.

Consider the Benefits of a Gazebo
A gazebo can be the perfect place to relax and entertain guests. It can enhance the appearance of your yard and increase your home’s resale value. If you’re thinking about buying a gazebo, explore a variety of materials, styles and options.