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Buying your first house is a huge milestone. After you close the deal, it’s time for the final step in the home-buying process–moving into your new place! However, the actual process of moving, from packing to unpacking, can sometimes be chaotic and stressful.

To help make everything go smoother, check out these pro moving tips from Mayflower for first-time homebuyers:

Less Is More
Try to put off major furniture and appliance purchases until after you’ve moved into your new home, thus reducing the amount of heavy items you’ll need to move. If you’re moving to another state and plan to use a professional mover, keep in mind that the cost of your move is based upon the weight of your shipment. If you must shop ahead of time, see if the retailer will hold the items and deliver them to your new home after you’ve moved into it.

Rid Yourself of Possessions You Don’t Want or Need
Many first-time homebuyers own a hodge-podge of furniture and home decor items that they’ve used in their apartments or college living quarters. Visualize where your current possessions will go. Decide what to do with those pieces that’ll end up being stored away in a closet or basement of your new home, only to be tossed out later. Consider donating what you don’t really want or need, or partner with a friend who has a garage and hold a tag sale.

Be Prepared
Advance planning and organization will make your move go smoother. Keep all documents related to your move in one easily accessible location. Use a folder, notebook or even a daily planner to keep track of important phone numbers and documents. Referrals for new physicians, maps of your new town and contact information for old friends are just a few more things that you may want to stash in your organizer.

Consider Hiring a Professional
Even though it may seem less expensive to move with the help of friends and family, don’t forget to factor in some of the costs of “doing it yourself.” There are still moving expenses involved, such as moving supplies and boxes, packing tape and materials, and rental fees on a truck, dolly or other equipment. Plus, you probably need to provide at least one meal on moving day to those who showed up to help you. So, it might be wise to get a few moving estimates from professionals before you make a final decision.