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When you think of remodeling your home, your mind likely jumps immediately to your kitchen or bathrooms. While these are excellent spaces to remodel, there are plenty of other rooms throughout your home that can benefit from a little extra attention.

If you’re in need of some inspiration for your next remodeling project, here are three rooms you should definitely consider:

Laundry Room
Laundry rooms are known more for their utilitarian value than their beauty, so it makes sense that they’re not often considered for remodeling. A spruced-up laundry room, however, can allow you to be more productive by getting more laundry done, more easily. For example, you can add automatic laundry detergent dispensers that allow you to use the correct amount of detergent every time. Plus, you can add large countertops so you can prepare clothes more easily for washing and fold them when they’re done. If nothing else, it makes sense to beautify the space where you do one of your least favorite tasks to help make it a little more enjoyable.

You park your car and store various items there, but, beyond that, your garage probably doesn’t demand much of your attention. However, a remodeled garage can provide a multi-purpose space that you can be proud of. Remodelers can add enhanced insulation to make the space usable year-round. Then, with the addition of amenities including speakers, game tables and some comfortable chairs, you’ll wind up with a great hangout space where everyone will want to congregate.

Mud Room
Given the clean-up that it helps prevent, it’s a wonder that the mudroom isn’t more appreciated. It makes sense, though, given that your mudroom serves as a simple pass-through on the way to a welcoming home. Renovation makes sense, though, to ensure your mudroom stays as clean and organized as possible and thereby helps the rest of your home stay clean, as well. By adding hooks for backpacks and hats, extra shelves for shoes and improved mats to capture dirt, you can make your mudroom just as welcoming as the rest of your home.

When it comes to any repair project, it’s important to understand the parts of the project you can complete yourself and those you need to hire out. Proper delegation will ensure you can complete your project quickly with minimal interruption to your daily activities. This also ensures that you stay safe as you avoid any aspects of the project that you’re not properly equipped to complete. With a quick completion, you may be inspired to renovate even more rooms around your home.

Source: Brooke Chaplan/RISMedia’s Housecall