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If you’ve lived in your home for years, you’ve probably accumulated a lot of things that you no longer need or want. Since moving companies base their rates on the weight of the items moved, taking things you won’t use in your new home can add to your moving costs for no good reason and can increase the amount of time required for packing and unpacking.

Organizing a pre-move yard sale is an excellent way to get rid of unwanted stuff, earn some extra money to put toward moving expenses, and make a fresh start in a clutter-free new home.

How to Organize a Yard Sale
Give yourself enough time to go through the house (including the attic and basement), as well as the garage and shed, and identify items to sell. Make sure you only sell items that are in good condition and that people are likely to want to buy. In some cases, you might be better off donating, recycling or throwing away things to get them off your hands.

Spring and summer are the most popular seasons for yard sales. Host your sale on a weekend, but make sure it isn’t too close to a holiday or on the same day as a significant local event. Have the sale run from the morning through the afternoon or early evening. If you have a lot to sell, consider hosting the sale on two days.

A neighborhood-wide yard sale will attract more customers than a single-family one. Ask your neighbors if they are interested in hosting their own yard sale on the same day as yours. If so, you can share organizing and advertising responsibilities and draw in more people.

Check with your local government to find out if you need a permit or have to follow any other rules. Contact the authorities several weeks before your planned yard sale date so you’ll have time to comply with any requirements.

You can post signs and flyers, but social media will help you get the word out to more people. Include information on the types of items customers can expect to find.

Organize items in categories. Make sure there’s enough room for people to walk around and browse.

Set prices that are fair, and clearly label items. If you have a lot of books, CDs or other similar items, offer them at a discount if customers purchase several. Be willing to haggle on prices in some cases.

Save Time and Earn Money With a Pre-Move Yard Sale
Moving can be a massive project, and taking things you don’t want or need will just add to the work and the cost. Hosting a yard sale can help you keep your moving expenses down, earn some cash, and start off in your new home with just the things you need and want. Give yourself plenty of time to organize a yard sale and plan your move so you don’t feel overwhelmed.