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If you’re looking to sell your home quickly and for full market value, don’t neglect your yard. Good landscaping will show homebuyers that you pay attention to details and that your home is properly maintained overall.

Here are six landscaping tips to help add curb appeal and increase buyer interest:

No One Likes Weeds or Brown Grass
Neglecting to water your lawn leaves your grass brown and dry. Neglecting to pull weeds makes it easier for them to spread and grow. Ideally, you should water, mow and weed your lawn once a week. Commercial products can help kill weeds while improving the health of plants and grass.

Make Sure the Trees Are Still Alive
Trees that are drooping or missing leaves are a red flag for most potential homebuyers. It means that the wood could be infested by insects or that it could fall over. Furthermore, make sure the tree is not too big for the yard.

Flowers Add Color
Putting some flowers near the front entrance or elsewhere in the yard can add color without costing a lot of money. To add flexibility for potential homebuyers, you can also use potted plants that can be removed easily if necessary.

Shrubs Add Shade and Privacy
Shrubs or other green plants can create shade on a hot day or add privacy to homes that are close to each other. They are generally easy to maintain and don’t require a lot of water, so they could raise the value of your home.

Seal Your Driveway, Deck and Patio Before Buyers Show Up
Make sure you seal or finish any surfaces that an individual may walk or drive on. This is a good way to prevent weeds from growing in the cracks and may also prevent wood from rotting and becoming a haven for pests.

Retaining Walls Provide Definition to Your Yard
A quality retaining wall not only looks nice, but also cleanly separates vegetation from other space in your yard. It is perfect for those who like to garden but want to keep kids or animals away from the plants or vegetables they’re growing.

The smallest details can have a large impact on your home’s value. Therefore, it’s important that everything looks neat and presentable before a potential buyer sees it. Remember, you only get one chance to make a good first impression, and that first impression will influence whether a buyer will make an offer that’s either at or above list price. Contact a real estate agent if you have questions about a specific type of landscaping and its effect on your home’s curb appeal.

Source: Dixie Somers/RISMedia’s Housecall