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Moving to a new home is typically thrilling, but it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the actual moving process and forget some important tasks. To help prepare you for your big move, check out the following tips from the moving pros at Mayflower:

Stock up on packing supplies. It’s best to order your supplies well in advance, typically six weeks before moving. You don’t want to run out of supplies on the day of your move. You’ll need boxes in different sizes, packing materials, tape and specialty packaging.

Start packing early. The sooner you start, the better your moving day will go, and the less stressed you will be.

Lighten your load. Whatever you can donate, sell or give away, do so before your move. De-cluttering will simplify your move and save you money.

Make schedules and lists. The best way to tackle a move is by using a checklist based on your needs, organizing items by date and crossing them off as you go. For example, make a list of utilities at your current and new home. Cross off each one as you arrange and confirm end-of-service or start-of-service dates and billing. Record the name of any representative you speak with and the date you spoke.

Make a list of other recurring bills that come by mail, which may include loans, credit cards, cellphones and mortgages. For these, you should be able to fill in an updated address before or after your move when you pay your monthly bill. Be sure to keep tabs on these accounts in case any bills slip through the cracks during a move. When you’re sure the account is updated correctly, cross it off your list.

Also, don’t neglect prescription medications in the course of your planning. Transfer prescriptions ahead of your move, and confirm that your health insurance will cover you and your medications in your new hometown.

Plan your move mid-week, if possible. Moving during the workweek gives you an advantage for setting up services with banks, utilities and government offices, should you need any immediate assistance. If you move on a Saturday, you may have to wait until Monday to get resolution for an unexpected problem.

Make arrangements for your pets. Your furry family members may need special accommodations during a move. Will you need to leave them with a friend or board them until you’re settled in? Arrange for them to fly? Figure these details out as soon as you can to avoid getting stuck in a pinch.

Pre-plan for moving valuables. If you have antiques, wine collections or other high-value property, special considerations should be made to handle those items with the extra care and protection they need. You can work with a professional moving company to make special arrangements. Items that may not be priceless to anyone but you, such as important documents, keepsakes, jewelry, photos and family heirlooms, should be set aside for safekeeping and kept with you on moving day.