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Everyone wants a great kitchen. One of the most enjoyed spaces in the home, the kitchen is used for cooking, gathering and entertaining with family and friends. However, a great kitchen doesn’t necessarily have to be a large one. If you have a tiny kitchen, below are a handful of tips to help you get the most out of it and make it feel larger:

Make use of walls. Instead of hanging pictures on your kitchen walls, hang your pots and pans. You can even find great fixtures to hang your plates and wine glasses from the ceiling or walls.

Add a mirrored backsplash. While you may not want to take up precious wall space with mirrors, a mirrored backsplash can add depth and girth to your room, making use of an area that would otherwise have no purpose.

Build up. Need more cabinet space? Look up! If your existing cabinets don’t extend to the ceiling, you’re wasting precious footage. Consider having additional cabinets built where you can store things you rarely use, like that Crock-Pot that comes out once a year or your holiday china dishes.

Abolish clutter. Nothing cramps an already small space more than clutter, and a clean countertop can do wonders for a small space. Streamline your gadgets, sell or donate what you don’t need and store away what you don’t use every day.

Light it right. A well-lit space can really open up your kitchen and make it seem not only more inviting, but also much larger. For natural light, consider adding a bay window or skylight, if possible. To lighten up your kitchen during the nighttime or gloomy days, install energy-efficient lighting throughout your kitchen to maintain that airy, open feel.

These are just five ways you can maximize your tiny kitchen. There are many other tricks, as well as storage products, that can help you get the most out of your space. Do some research to get inspired, and be creative!