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When it comes time to sell, all homeowners want to get as much money as possible for their house. In addition to working with a real estate agent to increase your chances of getting top dollar, you can make some changes to your property to make it more appealing to potential buyers.

Here are four of the best value-raising tactics for selling your home:

Ordinary Updates
There are plenty of simple updates you can do to your home before selling it that can help raise its value. These kinds of updates include replacing rotting wood, repairing roof leaks, getting rid of mold and spreading a fresh coat of paint. Buyers tend to look over the home they’re thinking about buying carefully, which is why it’s important to check every inch of your home and see what you can update without breaking the bank.

Remodel Your Kitchen
Updating your kitchen is highly recommended to improve the value of your home; however, make sure you don’t go overboard and end up not having enough money in your budget to finish the project. Repainting the walls, updating the backsplash and installing new appliances can help boost the value of your home.

Improve Your Outdoor Environment
A great outdoor space can make or break a sale, so make sure to mow your lawn and consider updating your landscaping or building a nice outdoor seating area. For a larger project, build a deck. If you want to undertake a simpler project, update your existing yard features. All of these projects can make your yard look more attractive and increase the resale value of your home.

Prioritize Energy Efficiency
More and more homebuyers today are looking for energy efficiency. Consider making updates to your home that lower energy costs. This can include installing insulation, purchasing replacement windows and buying ENERGY STAR appliances, among other things. Not only are these features appealing to prospective buyers, but they can also lower your energy bills while you’re still living in your home. Jump on the sustainability train and make a few updates today!

All home sellers want to get as much money as possible for their home, but few know how to accomplish this. With the four techniques above, you can increase the value of your property and increase your chances of making the biggest profit when it comes time to sell.

Source: Hannah Whittenly/RISMedia’s Housecall