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Homebuyers, especially younger ones, are increasingly attracted to houses that are designed with the environment in mind. Therefore, sellers should consider packaging their homes in a way that scores some eco-friendly points. Below are four ways you can make your home more attractive to this type of buyer:

Install Solar Panels
Having solar panels installed makes potential buyers quickly see how they can save energy and, thus, save money. Solar panels make the eco-friendly efforts visible and tangible. In addition to conserving power, any extra energy the solar panels generate can typically be sold off to the local power grid. Solar panels might look like a costly investment, but they may attract more buyers, and you could recover your installation costs from the proceeds of the sale.

Use Plants
Plants make a property seem more lively and cheerful. You can also use artificial plants, as they do an excellent job of beautifying the place without requiring constant care. Place some potted plants and flowers throughout the rooms in your home to inject life into the space. In addition to adding plants, invest in an air purifier to improve the air quality in your house.

Perform Environmental Assessments
To ensure your home and yard are eco-friendly, you can employ the services of environmental assessment consultants. These professionals will assess your home environment in various areas like health and ecological risks, monitoring of air quality, and management of waste, among others. Through this, they’ll ensure you’ve complied with all relevant regulations and met the necessary environment-related thresholds.

Get Certifications
There are different certifications given to houses that prove they were designed with eco-friendliness in mind. Secure a certification for your home, and, if provided by a widely acknowledged accreditation bureau, it will improve the value of your house for eco-conscious buyers.

Failure to present your house as an environmentally friendly property could be a deal-breaker for some buyers. Talk to a real estate agent to learn which types of upgrades might attract more buyers in your area.

Source: Hannah Whittenly/RISMedia’s Housecall