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If you’re living in an apartment in the city, or even a small house in the ‘burbs, your kitchen is probably not very spacious. With limited storage and counter space, it’s easy to put style aside and only focus on function. 

But, just because your kitchen is on the small side doesn’t mean you can’t give it character. Here are some tips to spice up the style in your tiny kitchen:

Add a Pop of Color
Adding a bright color to your kitchen can be done in many ways. If you have a small island or breakfast bar, consider adding colored stools. Display vibrant bowls and jars on your countertop and put them to use, holding fruit or storing tea bags. Even find a matching teapot to display on your stovetop. Or, you can take another approach with color and paint your cabinets for a more dramatic look. 

Bring in Patterns and Textures
From patterned tiles to an eye-catching backsplash, adding a pattern can easily make a small room feel larger than life. Go for a Medditerranian look with a tile backsplash either all across your counter space or only on an accent wall, just behind the sink or stove. Add a stylish rug – or two – to bring some texture into the mix and tie the room together.

Utilize Functional Decor
When you’re confined to such a small kitchen, especially since most of the action happens here, anything you choose to add to your countertop should serve a purpose. Utilizing your decor is the best way to ensure you’re not sacrificing style for space. Wooden or marble cutting boards are always useful and can sit on your counter discreetly, while bringing in natural elements. Also, consider using pretty bottles for products that get daily use, such as olive oil or vinaigrette. 

Don’t Forget the Details
When styling your kitchen, it’s easy to overlook some obvious aspects. Hardware, for example, can be changed to fit the theme or tone of your kitchen. Whether you’re going for a more modern look or a country style, there are plenty of faucets out there to completely update your sink. Also, adding new knobs and pulls to your kitchen cabinets can make a huge difference to the overall feel of the room. Though these are minor updates, in a small space, every inch counts.
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