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It has been said before, and it will be said again: Time is our most valuable and precious resource. At one point or another, everyone has likely uttered the phrase, “I just need more time.” And it is important to acknowledge that time management is a fallacy. You cannot manage time, only how you choose to spend it. Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. The people that have the highest level of success protect their time and use it wisely…and they generally feel less stressed and are more productive.

The best strategy for you will depend on you; however, all good time management strategies incorporate self-analysis, planning, discipline and accountability to self.

1. Know how you spend your time. Record what you do every 30 minutes for two weeks, then evaluate how you spent your time. Was everything needed, and was it the best use of your time? Determine what time of day is most productive for you. For many real estate agents, the morning is their most productive time simply because there are fewer distractions. Identify your most time-consuming tasks and also pay attention to how much time you spend on certain activities. Knowing this will help you plan your activities better in the next part of the process.

2. Prioritize. Choose the most valuable activities and schedule them for first thing in the morning. Prospecting, huddling with your real estate team and lead follow-up are examples of high-priority activities. Use your My Perfect Week Scheduler and your calendar to plan what your week would look like if there were no such thing as a distraction in your day. Put your high-priority items in the first part of your day and eliminate any “fake work” from the plan. Delegate anything that is not dollar productive. If you would pay someone $15 an hour to do it, it should not be done by you.

3. Stop procrastinating. While you are at work, you are there to work. Be deliberate with your time and eliminate external time-wasters. Schedule time to return voicemails and emails. Set aside time to receive calls and stick to the OHIO rule when dealing with emails: Only Handle It Once. In addition, stop telling yourself you can multitask. It’s a lie that doesn’t serve you. Focus on the task at hand and only switch when it is time to.

4. Take care of your health. Schedule time to relax and take care of your physical, mental and emotional health. Being well-rested and well-centered will give you laser-sharp focus when you are at work.

For a free copy of our Daily Success Habits Tracker, visit workmansuccess.com/resources.

Sara Guldi has been a licensed REALTOR® since 2004. She lives in Florida, and for the past 15 years, co-owned a real estate team in Maryland that consistently exceeded $20 million in production annually. Guldi loves helping others build amazing business using the performance coaching systems developed by Workman Success Systems. Contact her at