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Episode 16
Lucy Edwards
Director of Client Success
VHT Studios


Lucy Edwards has worked in the video and photo industry for real estate professionals for over 20 years. Inspiration for her career hit during a routine visit to the Catskills to visit her parents. She and her husband came across an old Victorian house they wanted to renovate into a Bed & Breakfast. While the project didn’t pan out, Edwards credits her successful career to the moment they had to present floor plans to the Zoning board, pulling off a stellar presentation. From then on, Edwards and her husband invested in better cameras and quickly established a reputation that would lead to helping over 470K real estate professionals with their video and photo marketing needs. In this week’s episode of RISMedia’s RealEdge podcast, Edwards shares her tips for a successful marketing strategy and insights on how video is playing an integral role in selling homes today. As she says, “If you love what you do and are passionate and serious about it, success is going to be there.”

On this week’s episode you’ll learn:

1:55 – How a Bed & Breakfast started it all
6:08 – A merger doubles the business
7:09 – Roadblocks to growing and building a company
9:08 – Taking the leap to achieve the next level
11:12 – Having a marketing strategy for every property
14:05 – Investing in the people you are hiring
17:00 – Telling the story of the house
22:25 – How social media is impacting the industry
26:00 – Leveraging YouTube to increase traffic
27:37 – How video timing can have an impact
30:00 – Being consistent with marketing strategies

About Lucy Edwards

Lucy Edwards, director of Client Success at VHT Studios, is responsible for promoting the use of professional photography and visual marketing services to agents across the country. She educates agents on why professional photography services are a critical component to their success. Edwards brings 20-plus years of experience in consulting with thousands of agents on how to customize and deliver impactful property marketing plans and how to utilize a broad range of marketing tools and services to promote their listings. She owned Edberg Marketing, Real Estate Consulting Company for 17 years.

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