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As vaccines continue to roll out and case numbers continue to decline, agents across the country are beginning to prepare for “Life After COVID.” Though there is mass speculation as to when that might be, there is a growing consensus that mass vaccination will be achievable by May 2021. If this projection becomes reality, the summer of 2021 is likely to become one of the busiest and celebratory summers we have seen in recent memory. Here are three simple steps real estate offices can take to prepare to engage with the post-COVID public.

  1. Prepare your storefront.

As small towns and cities slowly come out of the COVID-19 pandemic and back to business, people are itching to once again return to the way life once was. The re-opening of restaurants and eateries are expected to generate a high amount of foot traffic in retail and downtown settings. As this long-lost reality comes back to our streets and sidewalks, along with it comes great opportunity.

The summer of 2021 is poised to see some of the highest levels of foot traffic that we have seen in years. It is absolutely critical for offices in high traffic locations, with high visibility, to capitalize on this increased traffic with an attractive, engaging window display. LED signage along with touchscreen storefronts are a great way to engage the public and draw them into your office.    

  1. Go to where the people are.

The phasing out of the pandemic, along with the disruption that it caused, creates a unique opportunity for businesses to redefine their local marketing approach. This opportunity is particularly useful for offices looking to increase their visibility and engage with their community. Sadly, COVID-19 took a significant toll on high-traffic retail locations. As restaurants and entertainment centers remained closed or restricted, the traffic they generated around them dried up as well. The resulting economic damage has led to a historic rise in retail vacancies and significant downward pressure on rent prices.

This makes 2021 a great opportunity for those who have long envisioned a move downtown to finally take that leap. In an effort to recoup lost earnings and restart their revenue streams, many landlords are offering incentives to bring in new tenants and reanimate the retail districts of their communities.   

  1. Maintain contactless options.

Though many are hungry to return to daily life and put the pandemic behind them, there will still be some who wish to remain safe and eliminate unnecessary risk. It will be important for retail offices to remain conscientious of these people and offer sales and marketing options that minimize personal contact. Interactive Storefront Kiosks are quickly becoming a standard method to engage the public in a safe and effective way.

One such option, WindoVision, has developed technology that converts an existing storefront window of a real estate office into a through-glass touchscreen device that allows users to search real-time listing data, access 3D tours, view agent profiles and other company information, on demand. They can do all of this without any personal contact or ever stepping foot in the building. 

For more information on WindoVision, visit www.windovision.com