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What’s the best time of day to post on Instagram? It might sound like a trivial question, but this is a common question in real estate marketing. It’s critical to know when your target audience is online in order to get them excited about your offerings.

We’ve analyzed engagement rates for thousands of posts and found that they peak in the morning, throughout the afternoon and again at night.

Our research shows that you should upload your posts in the morning, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. This is the time when people are most active on Instagram, with engagement rates being 25% higher than usual at this time.

Engagement rates begin to fall after 1 p.m. and dip below average throughout the afternoon, peaking again at 7 p.m. They fall again from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m., reaching their bottom at 3 a.m.

These times are averages, however, so your engagement rate will depend on the type of content you share.

The Best Time for Real Estate Professionals to Post on Instagram
When posting about real estate, you should do most of your posting during the 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. time period. Checking the hourly average, this is when users engage within this topic for the longest periods of time.

Do the following on a daily basis to drive engagement and increase potential for more leads:

– Share the lives of your employees or partners. Showing real people using your product can help build trust and credibility with potential consumers.

– Post the most creative photos you can. Don’t be afraid to include text in your photos. Make sure the text is relevant and adds value to your post, otherwise, less (text) is more.

– Post behind-the-scenes photos from events, or use Instagram to show photos of your fans using and enjoying your product.

– Add engagement-driving tools such as CTAs (call-to-actions) or click-through buttons.

Bottom Line
It’s all about conducting a regular photo posting schedule with high-quality images. Posting at optimal times is essential to getting the most engagement, but with the right strategy, you can get excellent results by mixing up your posting schedule.

Don’t Lift a Finger. Run Your Engagement Strategies With Virtual Assistants
If you’re ready to start expanding your social media engagement but don’t want to deal with the time and effort it can take to build and manage your own channels, consider using a virtual assistant service.

Virtual assistants can handle all the heavy lifting while helping you focus on building your business. When getting started, you’ll have a team of professionals doing the work for you. Best of all, they’ll take care of everything while keeping costs low.

After working in the real estate industry, Daniel Ramsey—founder and CEO of MyOutDesk (named the No. 1 virtual assistant service in 2020 by TechRadar & Analytics Insight)—realized that REALTORS® spend too much time doing tasks that are necessary but time-consuming. In 2008, he founded MyOutDesk to provide REALTORS® with indispensable leverage through real estate virtual professionals, helping them regain time to grow their business while reducing costs. To learn more, please visit www.myoutdesk.com/services.