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Episode #19
Pamela Liebman
President and CEO
The Corcoran Group

Don’t Let Someone Else Define You or Your Company’ Growth and Leadership Strategies For an Unpredictable Time


The real estate industry has changed a bit since Pamela Liebman first joined the Corcoran Group in 1984 as an agent. But the New York firm’s chief executive still uses the experiences of her earlier days to help mold agents and lead the company into future growth.

Here, Liebman provides insight into how the Corcoran Group has continued to promote the growth of its brand and agents nationwide despite the challenges presented by 2020’s pandemic and the shift in the industry. She also dives into Corcoran’s new affiliate strategy, developments going on in the company, and what’s happening in the New York real estate market.

On this week’s episode you’ll learn:

1:10 – The start of Pamela’s journey at Corcoran: “It was a different world when I started.”
7:50 – The qualities of a successful agent
14:45 – Teaching agents to keep it about the customers and clients
22:20 – How to enhance and expand your brand
25:45 – Challenges of rolling out franchising
27:45 – Embracing the pandemic-influenced changes in the industry
30:35 – Facing challenges and finding opportunities in the current industry
34:30 – How to balance your personal and professional life in the industry
37:05 – “New York is coming back.”
39:00 – Understanding the price changes in New York’s market
40:40 – Working with agents and finding that next new development
42:30 – Navigating the new development model in real estate

About Pam Liebman

As president and CEO of the Corcoran Group, Pamela Liebman’s legacy at the New York-based firm is synonymous with growth and passion for real estate. She joined Corcoran as an agent in 1984, at the age of 23, and with a string of headline-worthy deals, she became a sales manager within months and then a partner in the company. In 1995, she launched the Corcoran Group Marketing division, which later merged with the Sunshine Marketing Group to become the powerhouse Corcoran Sunshine Marketing Group.

Liebman stepped up as Corcoran’s president and CEO in 2000 and is responsible for expanding the brand’s presence both within the U.S. and internationally with the recent launch of the Corcoran franchise business, which targets global megacities and sought-after leisure markets around the world.

Liebman was named to Crain’s New York Business’ 2019 “50 Most Powerful Women in New York” list. She has been a fixture on the magazine’s biennial list since its inception in 2007. She was also honored as an RISMedia Newsmaker (Luminaries) in 2020.

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