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Comprehensive knowledge of your real estate market signals to consumers that you are an expert. One way to flex your expertise is by recording a video that highlights your local neighborhood.

Showcasing the uniqueness of the communities you serve is a great way to boost awareness and pique interest of an area and generate leads. Leveraging your neighborhood knowledge can help you develop rapport and credibility with people interacting with your brand, driving traffic your way.

Bottom line: A neighborhood profile video is a winning strategy for any agent who is willing to get creative.

Here are five tips to consider when using this tactic.

Be Genuine

While the goal of your neighborhood profile is to showcase your expertise as a local agent, it’s also an opportunity for people to meet you for the first time.

Avoid making your neighborhood profile an advertisement by showing your personality. Rather than creating a sales pitch, smile, be friendly, crack a joke and present this profile as a means to keep them in the know.

Bring the Numbers

As an agent, you have a lot of data and statistics at your disposal. Leverage that information and make it digestible. Educate consumers and highlight the neighborhoods and markets you work in.

Cite essential data like average cost of homes in the area, affordability compared with markets statewide and nationwide, and mortgage rates.

You can speak on camera as you take a stroll through the neighborhood, painting a picture of the community and providing some appealing statistics, including the population density and average temperature.

Promoting the Culture

Does your particular neighborhood have a robust dining scene or any exciting landmarks or community events? If so, it’s worth including that in your profile. Let people know all about what a great community they can live in if they purchase in that neighborhood.

Take a trip into town or nearby commercial areas and record yourself exploring the area. All that footage can be used to highlight the different aspects of a neighborhood’s culture that make it a fun place to live.

Showcase Beloved Businesses

Mix and mingle with some of the local mom-and-pop businesses that everyone loves in the community. Interview them about the neighborhood they serve. This could be great fodder for your profile, either as b-roll or a local testimonial.

From top restaurants to unique stores and fun and exciting destinations.

Meet the Neighbors

Connect with people who live in the neighborhood. Not only is this a great networking opportunity, but you can also ask if they would be interested in providing a testimonial to share what it’s like to live in the neighborhood. This will give your video a personal feel.

Once you’ve compiled all the information and footage into a video, now you’re ready to spread the word. Share it with your sphere and on social media and your website to start building some buzz.

Jordan Grice is RISMedia’s associate content editor. Email him your real estate news ideas to jgrice@rismedia.com.