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A well-planned client newsletter should be part of every agent’s email communication and marketing strategy.

Email newsletters are not only great for engaging clients and prospects, but they can also be tools to keep folks updated on what’s happening in the market and position you as a knowledgeable and reliable source of information. Further, a newsletter is a great way to get more eyes on your brand.

Here are five ways to improve your newsletter offering over the weekend.

Revamped Layout
No one likes a bland design, and if you’re starting fresh or looking to improve your open rates, try creating an interesting layout. Keep the design clean and straightforward so it’s not overwhelming for the viewer. Make sure you’re using relevant and eye-catching images. If you aren’t adept at graphic design—or don’t have the budget to outsource the work—try platforms like Canva or Visme, which provide inexpensive and customizable templates that are easy to tweak.

Spruce Up Content
Content is essential to your newsletter, and if you aren’t providing something new and exciting for people to read about, it’s hard to keep them coming back. Enhance your content offerings with articles, data and reports that add value and inform your audience to keep them visiting your page.

Reassess Your Tone
Whether you’re presenting commentary on market data or explaining the latest trends in the industry, keep the tone of your newsletter conversational and digestible. As an agent, you have access to information that can help your audience, but it will be no good if they can’t understand what you’re showing them. Limit industry jargon as much as possible and try breaking things down to their simplest form, so nothing is lost in translation.

Advice and Lists
Supplement your hard-hitting data and industry information with lists and actionable tips that readers can use at their leisure. Mix up the topics with advice on home decor, organization tips or easy home improvement ideas. Use this section to lighten the mood, show your personality and connect with your audience.

Event Updates
If you have any events coming up in person or online, include them in your newsletter to keep people in the know. Whether it’s a live stream Q&A or an open house, set aside some space on your layout where viewers can consistently find out what they can expect or attend down the road.

With a bit of time over the weekend, you can set up a top-notch newsletter that can promote your business and connect with your sphere of influence. While these are a few ideas to consider, don’t be afraid of getting creative. Just remember to keep it on brand and consistent.

Jordan Grice is RISMedia’s associate content editor. Email him your real estate news ideas at jgrice@rismedia.com.